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Home Remedies for Swine Flu

Home Remedies for Swine Flu

Some of the most effective home remedies for swine flu include the use of vinegar, cayenne pepper, honey, garlic, zinc, carrots, pineapples, Siberian ginseng, echinacea, and olive leaf, as well as behavioral changes, including exercising, staying hydrated, get more sleep, soak up some sunshine, increase your hygiene regimen.


Swine Flu

As the name implies, swine flu is influenza that had its origin with swine (commonly known as pigs), and is also known as hog flu and swine influenza. This is essentially a normal flu for pigs, and animals do get ill, just as humans do, but the danger arises when there is transmission of the virus from swine to humans. At that point, once someone is infected by a flu from another species, it can become a major health risk. The contagious element of this flu is particularly frightening, but the real danger is something from a science fiction movie.

Pigs can harbor both human and avian strains of flu, in addition to their own, which provides the virus with a dangerous opportunity to create a blend of the three that may be impossible (or very difficult) to treat. Swine flu is at the root cause of the recent H1N1 scares across the world, and while a great deal of preventative measures are in place, swine flu is still a very real threat.

Initially thought to have first spread to human populations through swine farmers or those with close contact with sick animals, this disease can be deadly, and the fear of a global pandemic has made global governments stand up and pay attention. There are treatments for swine flu, including antiviral treatments, but certain strains have already developed resistance to some drugs. This has caused many people to seek out home remedies for swine flu, and these should be considered in conjunction with more formal treatment, given how contagious and potentially deadly swine flu can be. Now, let’s take a closer look at some home remedies for swine flu.


Take Lot Of Water :-

This primary treatment is an indispensable one whether it is swine flu or any other flue. Flu can make you dehydrated. So you need to take in water to balance the level of water in your body.

Moreover, when you are infected there is a generation of free radicals and toxins in the body which need to be flushed out. You can do both if you take lots of water. So drink at least 6 glasses of water per day to fight the menace of swine flu.


Ginger And Garlic :-

Ginger has been used traditionally to fight cold, congestion and some other symptoms of flu. It is also anti-inflammatory in nature. On the other hand garlic is a very good antibiotic. It is able to kill a range of bacteria and virus due the strong antibiotic property.It is also a good antioxidant. Combining these two amazing properties of these two spices can fight well against swine flu. You can have ginger as ginger tea. Raw garlic cloves can be chewed to have the desired result.


Camphor :-

It has been seen that camphor is able to repel many air-borne diseases. To reap the benefit of camphor you can burn some camphor at home. You can also take a pill of camphor once in a month. This will help in fighting the disease.


Turmeric In Milk :-

If you are not allergic to milk then a glass of warm water with some turmeric added to it can fight the infection. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant in nature. Moreover, the curcumin present in turmeric is antibiotic nature.


Goldenseal and echinacea :-

The goldenseal her is a strong antibiotic as well as antiviral. It is used to fight several kinds of viral infections including flu. It may be able to fight the H1N1 virus that causes swine flu.Combine it with some Echinacea which is another efficient infection fighting herb, and you will get a potent combination that will fight the H1N1 virus effectively. Both are available as extracts.


Exercise :-

Regular exercise is a good suggestion for any ailment, as it encourages blood purification andhigher immune function, in addition to releasing stress hormones in a healthy way, before they can negatively impact your body.


Olive Leaf :-

This somewhat overlooked little herb is rich in polyphenols and flavonoids, so taking a supplement of this when you are defending against the range of symptoms from swine flu, including nausea, chills, fever, cough, headache, and general weakness, it’s a good idea to give your body and herbal boost with olive leaf extract.


Elderberry :-

Thanks to its diuretic and laxative properties, as well as its ability to induce sweating in those who take it, elderberry tea and supplements are often turned to as a natural remedy for swine flu. By flushing out toxins through the excretory system and the skin, this immune system booster cleans house for you and can help speed the recovery from a viral infection.


Honey :-

 Honey has a natural antimicrobial capacity that makes it an effective immune booster and a great way to speed the recovery process when ill. Mixing honey into ginseng or ginger root tea can compound the antimicrobial effects and work as a very effective home remedy for swine flu.


Cayenne Pepper :-

The capsaicin found in cayenne peppers has long been praised for its cure-all abilities, and when it comes to antimicrobial and antiviral abilities, few vegetables are as potent or trusted as cayenne. Even if you can’t take the heat, give this one a try if you want to protect yourself from swine flu.

Tags: Swine Flu

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