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Home Remedies for Lymphoma

Home Remedies for Lymphoma

Natural treatment of lymphoma hinges on treating the whole person not just the disease and includes lifestyle changes as well as natural supplements. Making necessary changes to the diet and lifestyle delivers detoxifying results, eradicating the body of cancer-causing toxins. Natural supplements fortify the immune system and bolster health to destroy and reduce unhealthy cancer cells.


What is Lymphoma?

A cancer of the lymphatic system, lymphoma attacks the disease-fighting center and network of the body. The lymphatic system includes the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland and bone marrow. Once cancer has entered one part of the lymphatic system, it can spread to all of the other areas through this network.

Common risk factors include age, gender, exposure to chemicals including benzene, radiation, immunodeficiency, and certain infections. Symptoms often vary, but lymphoma typically begins as a swelling in the neck, underarm or groin. Additional symptoms may include enlarged lymph nodes, swelling in the arms and legs, numbness of the extremities, fever, chills, unexplained weight loss, sweating, lethargy and itching.


Natural Way to Cure Lymphoma :

Licorice :-

One of the main side effects of lymphoma is a notable loss of weight, and it can help to add some steroids to your diet in order to boost the body back to normal levels.Licorice contains various steroid-like compounds, in addition to active ingredients that directly impact the spread and severity of lymphomas in the body.


Parlsey :-

 Epithelial growth factors are a major cause of lymphoma and other types of cancer, but fortunately,parsley has been linked to inhibiting these growth factors, thereby protecting the body against lymphoma, or slowing down its spread while other treatments come in to safely eliminate the growth.


Quit Smoking :-

Adding carcinogens to your body is always a bad idea, particularly if you are already suffering from a form of cancer. In terms of lymphoma, eliminating cigarettes will allow your body to focus on the cancerous growth, rather than splitting its attention. Smoking also weakens the immune system and increases the chances of chronic disease, so kick the habit today!


Reishi Mushrooms :-

Tinctures made from reishi mushroomshave received some impressive attention as of late, given that these powerful fungi have shown anticancer and antiproliferative properties in the lab. While research is ongoing, it is believe that these mushrooms can effectively slow the spread of lymphoma.


Milk Thistle :-

 This popular herb is used for many different health conditions, primarily in terms of detoxifying the body and improving the functionality of the liver. By adding milk thistle to your daily health regimen, you greatly increase your glutathione content, an important component of protecting metabolic health.


Iodine :-

Iodine has been known to directly attack cancer cells, so taking iodine supplements is appropriate for all types of cancers. You can increase your iodine intake by adding iodine-rich foods like yogurt, beans, cheese, and potatoes.


Green Tea Extract :-

 The catechins and epicatechins in green tea are natural anti-cancer and anti-tumor substances, so the concentrated effects of green tea in its extract is particularly effective at protecting you from a wide range of cancers, including lymphomas.


Alcohol Intake :-

Excessive alcohol intake weakens the body, so while it may seem relaxing to blow off some steam with a night of imbibing, this can compromise your immune system and make you more susceptible to chronic disease and cancer like lymphoma.


Sunshine :-

 Vitamin D from the sunshine is arguably the easiest home remedy for lymphoma, as you need only step outside to soak up the benefits. Vitamin D actively eliminates many of the symptoms of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, so although it may not always be easy, getting a healthy dose of sunshine can keep cancer at bay.


Artemisinin :-

This ancient Chinese herb is like a bloodhound for cancer cells and can effectively seek out and neutralize mutated cells, while leaving healthy cells intact. This may not be the easiest remedy to find, but it has proven its effectiveness for thousands of years.


A Final Word of Warning :-

 Although these home remedies may be effective, this is still a highly invasive and dangerous form of cancer. You should always speak to a trained medical professional and an oncologist if you suspect a cancer diagnosis. These suggested remedies are alternative treatments and complementary approaches, and are not intended to replace more formal therapies.

Tags: Lymphoma

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