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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Clogged Pores



Our body pores help us stay clean by throwing out all the waste elements including dead skin cells. The sebaceous glands under our skin secrets the oil called sebum which most often clings to dead skin cells. The dead skin cells then get excreted from body through pores. This keeps our skin healthy and glowing. However, certain build-up, sometimes due to dirt or some other things like makeup residue pollution, etc. lead to clogged pores. The sebaceous gland anyway keeps on producing sebum oil but it doesn’t get released out of skin. This causes infection that we know aspimples, acne and blackheads.

Sometimes hormonal changes also lead to extra oil production by sebaceous gland that may cause clogged pores on your face or other body parts. There are however, simple ways to get rid of clogged pores so that your skin remains free of any waste product and glow forever. Here are some home remedies for clogged pores that will help them stay open and clean.

Exfoliating- Another Great Way to Open up Clogged Pores :-

    1. When you exfoliate your skin, you help slough off the impurities and dry skin cells.
    2. Exfoliating, like steaming, is one of the best ways to get rid of clogged pores.
    3. There are many options to exfoliate your skin.
    4. One of the oldest methods is dry brushing with a dry facial brush.
    5. However, the facial brush you use should have soft bristles made with natural fibers.
  1. Never ever use any other brush, not even body brush to exfoliate your facial skin.
  2. The skin on your face is fragile and sensitive and these body brushes are too harsh for it.
  3. Whenever buying face brush, ensure that it is made specifically to be used on face.

Sugar Scrub to Unclog Pores of Skin :-

  1. Scrubs that contain tiny particles help exfoliate your facial skin.
  2. While you can always buy scrubbing gels and creams, it’s better to stick to homemade scrubs for your sensitive facial skin.
  3. Sugar is by far the most popular and safe scrubbing ingredient when it comes to facial skin and opening up the pores.
  4. Sugar is one of the best natural exfoliating agents that help break up scar tissue and also unclogs skin pores excellently.
  5. You can always add one or more ingredients to the basic sugar scrub to make it more effective and for fine tuning your pores.
  6. Here are two recipes; one is the basic sugar scrub and the other one uses honey and green tea along with sugar.

Parsley for Clogged Pores :-

  1. Parsley is one of the healthiest foods of our times.
  2. Regarding its skin beneficial properties, parsley helps balance excess sebum secretion.
  3. Thus, having parsley on regular basis can be a boon to those having oily skin that leads to clogged pores too.
  4. In fact, parsley helps keep your pores clean and clear due to its natural astringent properties.
  5. When applied directly on skin, it pulls out toxins from skin and thus removes anything that might give rise to clogged pores.
  6. It not only controls acne breakout but parsley also reduces skin redness and acne scars.

Lemon Juice Remedy to Get Rid of Clogged Pores :-

  1. Lemon juice is yet an alternate excellent natural astringent that can tighten your pores furthermore clean the skin.
  2. It is truth be told one of the best remedies for pimples and clogged pores.
  3. The citrus extract show in lemon juice goes about as an exfoliating operator and tidies up dirt or oil that stop up your skin pores.
  4. This acid extricates the inter-molecular bond that makes the stopped material break down and turn out naturally.

Egg Mask to Get Rid of Clogged Pores :-

    1. Egg white has astonishing skin tightening properties and in this manner helps keep your pores under tight restraints.
    2. They have excellent skin-toning properties furthermore make your skin delicate and supple.
  1. In the event that you have an acne inclined skin, you must utilization egg white or even entire egg masks tighten your skin and also the pores.

Baking Soda Exfoliate to Open Clogged Pores :-

  1. Baking soda can turn into an excellent (shoddy as well!) profound pore cleanser for your skin that gently exfoliates and help you dispose of clogged pores.
  2. As an exfoliating executor, baking soda not just up roots, dead skin cells, dirt and different impurities additionally, helps manage the pH offset of your skin.
  3. This makes your skin look more youthful and smooth than at any other time in recent memory!

Honey to Get Rid of Clogged Pores :-

  1. Honey has always been perceived as one of the best remedies for acne due to its natural antibacterial properties.
  2. Be that as it may make you realize that honey is likewise good to clear your clogged pores!
  3. Honey indeed, opens up pores excellently and makes it less demanding for them to unclog. It additionally decreases intemperate oil on your skin to tighten the skin pores.
  4. Honey is additionally a great moisturizer that helps your skin hydrated to provide for you a shining smooth skin.

Steam :-

Steaming the face is an inexpensive and highly effective remedy for clogged pores. Steaming opens the clogged pores and allows all kinds of impurities trapped inside to be washed away.

  1. Fill a pot with water, cover it with a lid and heat the water on the stove.
  2. When the water is hot enough to produce steam, remove the pot from the heat.
  3. Place a towel over your head and lean over the steaming water.
  4. Allow the steam to soak into your face for 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Then pat dry your face and use a toner (to balance the skin’s pH) and mild moisturizer (to protect your skin from drying out).
  6. Steam your face twice a week to keep your pores clean and rejuvenate your skin.

Note: Avoid splashing hot water that can burn your skin.

Tags: Clogged Pores

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