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Best natural home remedies for facial hair removal

Best natural home remedies for facial hair removal

Whether you have unwanted hair over your upper lips or chin, on cheeks or forehead, facial hair will remain like that- unwanted! A glowing face with bleached golden hair too doesn’t look that appealing. You also don’t want to shave these facial hair. After all, women love to have soft supple skin and shaving does make it rough.

What to do then? Try these natural home remedies to remove unwanted facial hair. True, home remedies take longer to show results but they don’t damage your sensitive facial skin nor do they have any side effects like the chemical laden hair removing products! Some of them are so easy to apply on your face that you don’t feel you are giving any extra effort to remove those stubborn hair from your face.

Indian Nettle-Turmeric remedies for facial hair removal  :-

    1. Acalphya Indica, commonly known as Indian nettle, is native to India as its name indicates.
    2. It is a medicinal herb having anthelmintic, expectorant, emetic, anodyne, hypnotic, antimicrobial , antiparasitic and wound healing properties.
  1. It has been used traditionally for treating various conditions like pneumonia, asthma, rheumatism , bedsores, wounds etc.
  2. The juice of Indian nettle herb is mixed with oil or lime to treat various skin diseases.
  3. Indian nettle is also a very good remedy for unwanted hair, especially facial hair, as it gently permeates the skin gradually thinning hair on face.
  4. With time, facial hair fall off and then stop growing altogether.
  5. Turmeric, with its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties is one of the skin friendly herbs that works excellently with Indian nettle to get you rid of unwanted facial hair.

Oatmeal Scrub remedies for facial hair removal :-

  1. The gentle grainy texture of oatmeal makes a good facial exfoliating agent.
  2. Scrubs have always been useful in removing hair.
  3. However, commercially available scrubs may sometimes leave sensitive skin dry, itchy and red. Oatmeal, on the other hand, due to its avenathramide class of antioxidants is able to reduce redness and protect your skin against UV sun damage.
  4. When you make these natural scrub using oatmeal and other skin friendly ingredients, you not only get rid of unwanted hair but also get soft, hydrated and smooth skin.

Lavender-Tea Tree Oil for Hirsutism Induced  remedies for facial hair removal:-

    1. Many women suffer from a medical condition called hirsutism.
    2. It can be understood as presence of excessive hair on androgen-dependent areas of a woman’s body such as chin or breast.
  1. A study was conducted to find out the efficacy of lavender oil and tea tree oil for curing mild idiopathic hirsutism in women.
  2. This study suggested that lavender and tea tree oils may have antiandrogenic activities.
  3. It means that if these oils are locally applied on skin, it can reduce unwanted hair growth on face and other body parts of women.

Use Fenugreek remedies for facial hair removal:-

  1. Fenugreek is a very good medicinal herb for many women related health problems, one of which is hirsutism in which women body parts get hair just like men, for example beard and chest hair.
  2. To take all the benefits of fenugreek, you may soak a tsp of these seeds in a glass of water overnight.
  3. Then have this water along with seeds in the morning.
  4. If you, however, want to use fenugreek only for facial hair removal, use it in a scrub-mask form

Homemade Sugar Wax remedies for facial hair removal:-

This is a super easy and effective home remedy to get rid of unwanted facial hair.

  1. Mix two teaspoons of granulated sugar (brown or white) and one teaspoon each of honey and water.
  2. Heat the mixture in a microwave or on a stove for about half a minute until it bubbles and turns brown. Allow it to cool.
  3. Using a spatula, apply it on the areas where you want to remove the hair.
  4. Place a cloth strip over the sugar wax and smooth it out with your fingers in the direction of the hair growth.
  5. Finally, rip it off in the opposite direction of hair growth.
  6. Repeat as needed.

Chickpea Flour remedies for facial hair removal:-

A chickpea flour face pack will help exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin and hair. Plus, it can lighten the color of your skin and facial hair. You can get chickpea flour, also known as gram flour or besan, from an Indian market or health food store.

    1. Mix together two tablespoons of chickpea flour, one tablespoon of milk cream, one and one-half teaspoon of milk, and three-quarter teaspoons of turmeric. Apply this thick paste on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes or until it dries. Scrub it off using a facial loofah pad or simply a soft cloth dipped in lukewarm water. Do this at least three or four times a week for about a month.
    2. Alternatively, mix one tablespoon of chickpea flour, one-half teaspoon of plain yogurt, and one-quarter teaspoon of turmeric. You can also add one-half teaspoon of rose water. Spread it on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes before scrubbing it off.
  1. Another remedy involves mixing two tablespoons of chickpea flour, one-quarter teaspoon of turmeric and enough milk (about ½ teaspoon) to make a thick, smooth paste.

Green Gram Flour and Rose Water remedies for facial hair removal :-

Like chickpea flour, green gram flour also aids natural hair removal through exfoliation. In addition, the combination of green gram flour and rose water works as a natural cleanser for sensitive and acne-prone skin.

  1. Add one and one-half tablespoon of rose water to two tablespoons of green gram flour. You may add one tablespoon of lemon juice as well.
  2. Spread the paste on your face and leave it on for 20 to 25 minutes before scrubbing it off.
  3. Do this three to four times a week.

Sugaring remedies for facial hair removal:-

Sugaring works as a natural treatment for removing facial as well as body hair. Unlike waxing, it requires pulling the hair in the direction of the hair growth, which causes less pain and skin irritation. Interestingly, this technique was established centuries ago in Egypt.

  1. Heat one-quarter cup of water in a pan.
  2. Add two cups of granulated sugar and one-quarter cup of lemon juice to it. Continue heating the paste until bubbles appear.
  3. Turn down the heat to low-medium and let it simmer for about 25 minutes until it turns dark amber in color. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool.
  4. Prepare your skin by dusting a little cornstarch or baby powder on your skin and then spread the lukewarm mixture on your face in the opposite direction of the hair growth.
  5. Put a clean rag or cotton strip over the layer of sugar paste and let it sit for a few minutes.
  6. Finally, pull it off quickly in the direction of the hair growth.

Banana- Oatmeal Scrub remedies for facial hair removal:-

  1. On the off chance that your skin is dry, the banana is one of the best parts that might be utilized for uprooting hair for you.
  2. Banana leaves your skin, delicate and supple.
  3. Yet simply banana has been insufficient for evacuating hair.
  4. You have to blend it with something which is a bit unpleasant on skin to peel it.
  5. Notwithstanding, this harshness ought not hurt your fragile skin.
  6. Oats are the ideal thing to utilize them.
  7. It is likewise an incredibly characteristic cleaning agent for skin.

Alum-Rosewater remedies for facial hair removal:-

  1. Here is something which is generally utilized by the ladies of India and Pakistan to resolve the danger of unwanted hair.
  2. This is an alum and rose water.
  3. Alum could be found at a rock of alum or in powdered structure.
  4. This cure utilizes alum powder.
  5. You can even grind rock alum to get this powder.

Tags: remedies for facial hair removal

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