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Home Remedies to Treat Food Allergies

Home Remedies to Treat Food Allergies

Some of the home remedies for food allergies include elimination diets, increasing stomach acid, activated charcoal, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, flaxseed oil, bananas, fresh fruit juices, castor oil, vitamin E, acupuncture, yoga, and limes. Behavioral and lifestyle changes can also boost your defenses against allergens.

Food Allergies are perhaps the most widespread and universal medical condition that people suffer from. There are common food allergies that millions of people suffer from, as well as strange or unusual allergies that people often don’t even think of as allergenic foods. If you have a food allergy, your body’s immune system reacts in a negative way, usually due to one of the proteins in the food that the body identifies as harmful.

A food allergy is different than food intolerance, or any other medication-related reaction, or toxicity reactions. Depending on your body and your specific digestion system, some proteins won’t be digested properly. This means that they will be tagged by Immunoglobulin E, which means that the immune system will then be activated to eliminate the protein.

Apple Cider Vinegar :-

  • Your system also has trouble tolerating additional onslaughts when its natural pH is out of sync.
  • Apple cider vinegar is a treatment option that helps restore your pH levels as well as replenish important nutrients to promote overall health.
  • You can take 2-3 tablespoons of ACV diluted in water daily with good results.

Acidophilus :-

    • Acidophilus is a natural bacteria that is present in the digestive system in varying amounts.
    • It aids in the digestion of foods and the regulation of the digestive process.
  • So, if you are experiencing food allergies, the balance of the natural bacteria in your gut is likely out of whack.
  • A daily supplement of acidophilus or even just adding in more yogurt and fermented foods will alleviate your allergen response to specific foods.

Increase Stomach Acid :-

  • The reason that “foreign” proteins make their way into the body and subsequently cause the immune response is because there isn’t enough acid in the stomach to properly break down the food.
  • A lack of something like hydrochloric acid can compromise the digestive capabilities of the body.
  • Therefore, increasing the amount of acid you have in your stomach is essential to eliminating food allergies.
  • Betaine hydrochloride is an easy to find supplement at many health food stores that can be taken before and after meals to increase and maintain a healthy level of acid in the stomach.

Bananas :-

    • Bananas, with their wealth of beneficial nutrients, are very good for reducing the symptoms of allergic reactions to food.
    • Bananas reduce skin rashes and stomach discomfort and helps to regulate the body’s metabolism.
  • Therefore, eating enough bananas doesn’t cure food allergies, but it does reduce the severity or likelihood of allergic reactions being too serious.

Vitamin C :-

  • A deficiency in the immune system is often to blame for the food allergy, since a malfunction in that all-important defense system might make it react incorrectly to certain proteins.
  • Improving the health of the immune system is most effectively done by flooding your system with vitamin C and other beneficial vitamins and minerals that fruits and vegetables provide.
  • However, that being said, make sure that you aren’t allergic to any of the fruits and vegetables your are boosting your system with, as that can be counterproductive to the entire process.

Vitamin E-Rich Foods :-

  • Vitamin E is known to be very anti-allergenic and it can boost your body’s immune system strength, so it doesn’t falsely recognize acceptable proteins as dangerous “foreign” substances.
  • Some foods that are rich in vitamin E include tofu, spinach, almonds, sunflower seeds, avocados, shrimp, rainbow trout, olive oil, and broccoli.

Limes :-

  • It is another citrus fruit, as mentioned earlier, but lime juice, when added to water with some honey, can work as a powerful detoxifying substance in the body.
  • If you drink this mixture for a few weeks, it can flush the toxins from your system.
  • These are the sorts of toxins that can confuse your body’s immune system and cause these issues with your protein digestion.

Activated Charcoal :-

  • Since food allergies occur because of an inability to break down proteins in the stomach, adding substances that can break down proteins and help them move unnoticed through the digestive system is also a good tactic for preventing food allergies.
  • Activated charcoal can be mixed with water or a sweetened juice solution can be used and regulates the digestive system. You will need a decent amount, possibly 60 grams to be effective.

Avoid Food Allergens :-

    • A key part of relieving the symptoms of food allergies is identifying the foods responsible for the distress and eliminating them from your diet.
    • To identify food allergens, write down everything you ate or drank in the 2 to 3 days prior to allergic symptoms appearing. Then, look for foods that were new to your body.
  • Avoid such foods completely until your condition improves.
  • You can re-introduce the food allergen slowly into your diet, but only after you recover completely.
  • If the allergen causes symptoms again, it is best to avoid that food completely.
  • Before buying any kind of food, read the labels carefully to look for ingredients to avoid.
  • Also, when ordering food in restaurants, ask for the ingredient list.

Tags: Food Allergies

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