How to Get Rid of Peeling Fingertips
The problem of peeling fingertips is a common issue that is faced by many people at sometime or the other. As the skin on the fingers and around the tip is gentle and sensitive, proper care has to be taken in order to avoid the skin from peeling off. There can be many reasons which can cause the skin to peel around the fingertips. It is best that one learns the causes so that preventive measures can be taken. Once the possible causes are known, one will surely be able to identify the symptom and take steps to prevent the peeling fingertips condition. There are several common and beneficial natural home remedies that one can take up to prevent the onset of peeling fingertips condition.
Use Of Warm Water :-
One should use warm water if they are plagued with the issue of peeling fingertips. That is because warm water has certain properties that prove beneficial when one is facing such a skin condition:
• One needs to soak their hands in warm water. This leads to the water being absorbed by the skin which might have become dry.
• Dry skin will start falling off
• Warm water to which natural moisturizers are added like honey or olive oil will help to moisturize the skin
Add Moisturizer To Your Cleaning Routine :-
Through the day we might be washing the hands several times but we do not follow it up with a moisturizing routine. If one has peeling fingertips caused by dry and flaky skin, it is best to:
• Use moisturizer after every wash
• The moisturizers made of natural ingredients or petroleum jelly will help to preserve the moisture in the skin
Use Of Cucumber :-
- One can use cucumber on the affected area as cucumber is known to possess anti inflammatory and healing properties for the skin:
- Cucumber slices rubbed on the affected area will work on the damaged cells
- The natural moisture content will be restored
Irritation will be reduced
In such ways cucumber can work wonders on affected skin areas
Use Of Olive Oil :-
- Olive oil is known to contain omega 3 and other essential fatty acids that are beneficial for the skin as well as the whole system. if one uses olive oil added to the water used for washing hands or olive oil is massaged onto the hands after washing
- These steps can help ensure that the skin is moisturized and nourished which will keep the skin from becoming dry and peeling off.
Use Of Mint Juice :-
- There are many medicinal properties that mint juice contains:
it works as a great natural moisturizer the mint juice should be applied on affected area and kept on overnight
- The treatment is helpful in case of skin conditions like eczema and other skin disorders which lead to skin dryness and flaky skin.
Use Of Honey :-
- Honey is really one of nature’s most powerful foods.
- It is full of benefits as well as being an excellent moisturizer for the skin.
- Using a mixture of warm milk and honey will be very beneficial for peeling fingertips and just needs to be rubbed onto the affected areas.
- Drinking warm honey and milk is also super beneficial for moisturizing skin from the inside out.
Use Of Banana :-
- Bananas have long been used to treat a variety of different afflictions with the skin.
- Bananas are great to use as a remedy for peeling fingertips and will dramatically improve your condition.
- Mixing a ripe banana with a half cup of sour cream applied to the fingertips is one common home remedy.
- Eating bananas is also a good way to get your body the nutrients it needs to prevent peeling fingertips from happening in the first place.
Use Of Oat Soak :-
- Did you ever take an oatmeal bath as a kid when you had the chicken pox or sunburn? There’s a reason this popular home remedy has been around for hundreds of years to treat skin conditions.
- It works really, really well. All you need to do is soak some rolled oats in a bowl of warm water and soak the tips of your fingers in the bowl.
- Leave them to soak for about twenty minutes and then rinse with warm water.
- You can scrub away the dry skin cells when you rinse it and follow with a light moisturizer for extended relief from peeling fingertips.