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How to Treat ADHD Naturally

How to Treat ADHD Naturally

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a developmental neuropsychiatric disorder that affects millions of children as well as adults. It is one of the most common childhood disorders. ADHD occurs more often in males than in females.

Inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity are the key behaviors of a person who has ADHD.

Some of the signs and symptoms of ADHD are difficulty paying attention, frequent daydreaming, difficulty following through on instructions, forgetting things easily, problems organizing tasks or activities, easily distracted, difficulty remaining seated, impatience, becoming bored easily and talking excessively. Symptoms sometimes lessen with age. However, some people never completely outgrow ADHD.

While the exact cause of ADHD is not clear, certain factors have been found to contribute to its development. Genetics, certain environmental factors and central nervous system problems are some contributing factors.

Other risk factors are exposure to environmental toxins; maternal drug use, alcohol use or smoking during pregnancy; maternal exposure to environmental poisons and premature birth.

Proper diagnosis is essential before starting any treatment. The most effective way to control the condition is with medicines. At the same time, certain lifestyle changes and home remedies can help ease the symptoms and show improvement in the condition.

Create a Routine :-

    1. Children with ADHD are drawn to new activities, adventure, and change.
    2. Yet they’re balanced by the opposite: activities that are calming, relaxing, and nurturing.
  1. Your son needs regularity and structure to counter his natural tendency toward chaos: a regular time to do his homework, exercise, relax, eat, go to bed, and wake up to begin a new day.
  2. Here’s some advice about how to create a vata-calming environment for him at home.

Relaxation :-

    1. Do a 5- to 10-minute relaxation with your son at least once a day.
    2. Lie down on the floor or in bed in shavasana (corpse pose), supporting your heads with a pillow and covering up with a blanket to stay warm.
    3. Then ask your child to feel his body from head to toe.
    4. Turn the practice into a game; together, pretend you are a scoop of ice cream melting in the sun, or that you’re sinking into a huge feather pillow.
  1. Imagine your breath is like the waves of the ocean–or ask your child to instruct you.
  2. The idea is to get your child to relax and deepen his breath, which helps his CNS switch from a sympathetic mode, which is a “fight-or-flight” state, to a parasympathetic mode, which is a nourishing and restorative state.
  3. Try this when your child comes home from school, or before supper or bedtime; these are times when our kids can be most overstimulated.

Natural Rx :-

  1. Herbs that calm, soothe, and nourish the nervous system include lemon balm, chamomile, hops, passion flower, skullcap, brahmi, valerian, and St. John’s Wort.
  2. They can be taken safely as teas or tinctures–just follow the instructions on the bottle or box.
  3. (Dosing for children is one-fourth to one-half the adult dose based on their weight.)

Minimal Medication :-

  1. If you decide to give your child medication, find a doctor who is willing to work with you to find the minimal dose that is effective.
  2. Ask your doctor to allow your child to take “holidays” from the medication when intense concentration and focus aren’t necessary (on the weekends, during summer break, etc.).
  3. By carefully monitoring your child’s behavior, you can help your doctor find the dosage and schedule that allow him to succeed in school, while decreasing his chances of experiencing side effects.

Avoid Potential Allergens :-

Diets that restrict possible allergens may help improve behavior in some children with ADHD.

It’s best to check with an allergy doctor if you suspect your child has allergies. But you can experiment by avoiding these foods:

  1. chemical additives/preservatives like BHT and BHA
  2. milk and eggs
  3. chocolate
  4. foods containing “salicylates” like berries, chili powder, apples and cider, grapes, oranges, peaches, plums, prunes, and tomatoes

Consider a Yoga or Tai Chi Class :-

  1. Some small studies indicate that yoga may be helpful for people with ADHD.
  2. Research published in 2013 reported significant improvements in hyperactivity, anxiety, and social problems in boys with ADHD who practiced yoga regularly.
  3. Some early studies suggest that tai chi also may help improve ADHD symptoms. Researchers found that teenagers with ADHD who practiced tai chi weren’t as anxious or hyperactive.
  4. They also daydreamed less and displayed fewer inappropriate emotions when they participated in tai chi classes twice a week for five weeks.

Fish Oil :-

To help curb the symptoms of ADHD in children and adults, fish oil is very helpful. Experts believe that a lack of certain polyunsaturated fatty acids may contribute neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders such as ADHD and dyslexia.

  1. Hence, choosing a fish oil supplement that contains a high ratio of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA) to omega-6 fatty acids (DHA) can help reduce symptoms.
  2. Moreover, fish oil supplements help improve memory and concentration.
  3. If you want to try fish oil supplements, talk to your doctor first about the best dosage.
  4. Also, eat salmon, sardines, trout and other cold-water fish. Flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds and other seeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Chamomile :-

Chamomile is among the most commonly used herbs for ADHD. Its soothing and calming properties help regulate mood and attention. This in turn reduces hyperactivity.

  1. Add 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers to 1 cup of hot water.
  2. Cover and allow it to steep for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain the solution and add some honey.
  4. Drink this herbal tea daily before going to bed.

Massage :-

Massage is relaxing for anyone, including people who have ADHD. A 2003 study published in the journal Adolescence found that 20 minutes of massage twice a week has a positive impact on mood and behavior.

Moreover, regular massage helps increase serotonin levels, which in turn help modulate elevated dopamine levels that occur in children with ADHD.

  1. Put some olive, almond or sesame oil on your hands.
  2. Rub your hands together until the oil becomes warm.
  3. Massage the mixture onto your child’s skin, from head to toe.
  4. Let the oil soak in for a few minutes, then towel off the remaining residue.
  5. Do this at least 2 or 3 times a week.

Tags: ADHD

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