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How to Treat Alcoholism

How to Treat Alcoholism

Alcoholism in the UK – one in every 13 people in the United Kingdom is an alcoholic, according to the NHS (National Health Service) statistics. Even among people who are not dependent on alcohol, a sizeable proportion drink too much.

In the USA, 15% of Americans are problem drinkers, while between 5% to 10% of male and 3% to 5% of female drinkers could be diagnosed as alcohol dependent, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The World Health Organization (WHO) says there are at least 140 million alcoholics in the world; unfortunately, the majority of them are not treated.

Alcoholism is a treatable disease and many treatment programs and approaches are available to support alcoholics who have decided to get help, but no medical cure available.

Regardless of how someone is diagnosed as alcohol dependent or how they came to realize they have a serious drinking problem, the first step to treatment is a sincere desire to get help. Alcoholics who are pressured into treatment by social pressure or forced to quit by circumstances rarely succeed in the long run.

Celery :-

  1. Take juice from celery and consume it every day for at least a month.
  2. Celery results in the desired effect of getting one out of the alcoholic condition.

Grape Juice :-

  1. Grape juice is composed of an almost pure form of alcohol.
  2. A person may drink grape juice for several days until he becomes accustomed to a normal diet regime that doesn’t involve traditional alcohol.

Lemon and Honey :-

    1. A mixture of lemon and honey is considered to be an effective way of curing alcoholism if taken along with warm water.
    2. Honey contains fructose and sugars that help a person rid themselves of any remnant traces of alcohol in the body.
  1. However, one must avoid this remedy if they suffer from diabetes.

Dates :-

  1. These are one of the simplest home remedies for treating alcoholism.
  2. One should consume dates every day with water for around a month to gain its benefits in reducing the tendency towards alcoholism.

Bananas :-

  1. Alcoholism results in draining potassium from the body.
  2. It is very important to maintain correct potassium level as it plays a major role in nerve impulse transmission.
  3. Bananas plays a role in this respect by regaining the lost potassium levels.

Physical Exercise :-

  1. Meditation, yogic kriyas, brisk walks, and physical exercise make individuals feel fresh and rejuvenated.
  2. This should be inculcated in your daily routine and will definitely relieve people from the tendency towards alcoholism.

Yoga and Meditation :-

  1. Yoga and meditation can also help fight against alcoholism.
  2. Yoga helps people reestablish the connection between their bodies and minds, while improving physical strength.
  3. It can also be helpful when dealing with significant stress and emotional struggles.
  4. In addition, meditation helps relax your mind and soul.

Some of the yoga poses that can help with alcoholism are Savasana (Corpse Pose), Jathara Parivartanasana (Knee-Hug Spinal Twist), Apanasana (Little Boat Hugging Knees), Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-Wall Pose), Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), Balasana (Child’s Pose) and Vajrasana (Sitting Mountain).

To learn these yoga poses, join a yoga class or learn from an expert.

Acupuncture :-

  1. Some alcoholics have found acupuncture, a form of ancient Chinese medicine, to be a useful method for resisting cravings and preventing relapse.
  2. According to a 2002 study published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, acupuncture on the correct pressure points on the ear can help reduce the desire for alcohol.
  3. In addition, acupuncture helps reduce anxiety and depression, two main reasons behind excessive drinking.
  4. It also stimulates overall wellness.
  5. Find a trained practitioner to do the acupuncture for you.

Healthy Diet :-

  1. Diet plays an important role in one’s ability to remain sober and reduce effects of heavy drinking.
  2. Alcoholism reduces appetite and the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.
  3. This is why most alcoholics suffer from nutritional deficiencies.
  4. The body needs many vitamins and minerals to overcome the side effects of excessive alcohol consumption.
  5. Eat foods high in vitamin B12 to help improve liver functioning and to help stop alcohol cravings.
  6. Eat foods high in vitamin C to improve brain functioning and reduce your interest in alcohol.
  7. Eat foods high in amino acids to help stabilize your mood, which in turn will help break the addiction cycle.
  8. Avoid caffeine, sugar and nicotine, which can contribute to the urge to drink.

It is best to eat whole-grains, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables and other fiber-rich complex carbohydrates to help maintain steady blood sugar levels. Low blood sugar levels tend to induce alcohol cravings.

Tags: Alcoholism

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