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How to Naturally Remove Plaque and Tartar from Teeth

How to Naturally Remove Plaque and Tartar from Teeth

Plaque is a sticky, soft film of bacteria that builds up on your teeth, dental fillings, gums, tongue, dentures and crowns.

When multiple layers of plaque combine with minerals present in your saliva, it hardens into a white, chalky calcified substance called tartar.

It create a breeding ground for the oral bacteria that feed on sugars from the food you eat. Plus, it forms acid during this process that breaks down the tooth enamel, leading to dental cavities. Bacteria also produce toxins causing various periodontal (gum) problems.

Several factors contribute to plaque buildup, such as improper oral hygiene, bad brushing technique, poor food choices, heredity and lack of professional care.

Brush Properly :-

    • Brushing your teeth properly after each meal prevents the formation of tartar.
    • Use a soft-bristle toothbrush for brushing and brush at all angles, over all the tooth surfaces so that the teeth are thoroughly cleaned.
  • Always remember to hold the brush at a 45 degree angle to the gum line.

Brush With Baking Soda :-

  • Combine a tablespoon of baking soda with a pinch of salt.
  • Slightly wet the toothbrush and dip into the baking soda mixture.
  • Scrub your teeth with the mixture and rinse off. This helps tartar removal and whitening of teeth.

Use Orange Peel :-

  • Another home remedy for tartar removal is rubbing orange peels directly onto the teeth.
  • Leave it overnight without rinsing. Orange peels can also be made into a paste and applied on the teeth.
  • It helps to fight tartar forming microorganisms in the mouth and is a cheap natural way to whiten the tartar stained teeth.

Eat Figs :-

    • Eating figs is another way of cleaning the teeth and strengthening the gums.
    • Eat 3 to 4 figs at a time and chew them slowly together.
  • The process stimulates the salivary glands and increases the secretion of saliva.
  • This helps to cleanse the teeth by removing plaque and tartar.

Use a mouthwash that targets plaque :-

  • Though plaque-busting mouthwashes are not effective enough to remove plaque all by themselves, when used as part of a teeth cleaning routine involving brushing and flossing, they can help to loosen plaque, while giving you minty-fresh breath in the process.

Floss between your teeth :-

Flossing is an essential component of effective oral hygiene, though unfortunately it is often neglected. Flossing removes bacteria and food particles from between the teeth, helping to prevent the formation of plaque. It should be done once a day, at bedtime, before brushing your teeth. Floss between teeth using a gentle sawing motion, and avoid “snapping” the floss into place, as this can irritate the delicate gum tissue.

  1. Make sure to use a clean section of floss for between each tooth, otherwise you are just moving bacteria from one part of your mouth to another.
  2. If you find dental floss awkward to use, try using a dental pick instead. This is a small wooden or plastic stick which can be inserted between the teeth, achieving the same results as flossing.

Orange Peels :-

Orange peels are often used as a natural whitener to remove stains from your teeth.

Plus, the limonene in orange peels helps break down plaque without eroding your enamel, while the vitamin C in them helps prevent growth of microorganisms on your teeth.

  1. Rub the inside portion of fresh orange peels directly on your teeth and gums before going to bed.
  2. Leave it overnight and rinse it off the next morning.
  3. Repeat as needed to keep your teeth clean and white.

If you don’t have fresh orange peels, you can use dried orange peel powder.

Use Vitamin C Rich Fruits :-

  1. Apply the paste of Vitamin C rich fruits, such as tomatoes or strawberries to your teeth.
  2. Leave for 5 minutes. Rinse off the mouth with a mixture of warm water and baking soda.
  3. This helps to remove tartar and kills bacteria in the mouth.
  4. It is better if you regularly consume vitamin C rich fruits in your diet. It takes care of your oral health.

Floss Regularly :-

  1. Flossing is an excellent way to remove the plaque and food particles between the teeth.
  2. Flossing of teeth on a regular basis after gargling prevents formation of tartar and maintains a good oral hygiene.
  3. Floss not only cleans between the teeth, but also between the gums, therefore keeping the cavities and gum diseases away.

Avoid sugary and starchy foods :-

  1. The bacteria found in plaque thrive on sugary and starchy foods.
  2. In fact, every time you eat these kinds of foods, the bacteria release an acid which leads to tooth decay and cavities.
  3. To avoid this, try to minimize your consumption of these types of processed foods and pay special attention to your brushing and flossing routine if you decide to indulge.

Tags: plaque tartar teeth cleaning white teeth

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