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How to Remove Heavy Metals from Your Body

How to Remove Heavy Metals from Your Body

Coal mines and factories are not the only reservoirs of toxic environmental heavy metals – your body also makes the list.

Heavy metals and metalloids occur naturally in the earth’s crust. They turn into environmental contaminants through activities like smelting, mining, coal burning and other industrial, agricultural and domestic production and use.

Natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions and weathering, also cause heavy metal pollution.

They are potentially toxic to humans, animals and the environment at large.

Out of all heavy metals, exposure to lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic is particularly harmful to human health, according to a 2003 study published in the British Medical Bulletin.

The World Health Organization also lists the above-mentioned heavy metals among the top 10 most hazardous groups of chemicals to public health.

Stock your pantry right :-

As raw vegans, you already remove high-risk foods from your diet, such as fish, and have a diet that has optimized your body for cleansing by removing things like diary and eggs. To make your detox easier, you should stock the many fruits, vegetables, and herbs that can help remove heavy metals from your body daily. For the ultimate pantry/refrigerator that will lead to a detoxed, heavy metal-free diet, stock at least:

    1. Citrus fruits: oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit
    2. Other fruits: apples, berries, bananas, pineapple, papaya
    3. Vegetables: Kale, spinach, celery, beets, broccoli
    4. Nuts, seed, and their milks: almond, cashew, sunflower, hazelnut
    5. Superfoods: spirulina, chlorophyll, maca, green powders
  1. Fresh herbs, spices, and essential oils: peppermint, oregano, cilantro, basil, parsley, ginger, fennel, dandelion, garlic, milk thistle, turmeric
  2. Coconut and flaxseed oil
  3. Herbal teas (great for cool infusions): peppermint, dandelion, etc.

Remove every day materials adding to the problem :-

    1. The first step to take is to detox your home, which can be adding the heavy metals to your body.
    2. Many beauty products (face makeup), hair products, and inorganic shampoos, conditioners, toothpastes, and more are items that have heavy metals like lead, mercury, and aluminum.
    3. Switching to organic, natural, or homemade products are some of the best ways to reducing your exposure to heavy metals and dangerous chemical.
  1. Other things to detox from your home and replace include: housecleaning products, Teflon pots and pans (replace with cast iron or Pyrex cookware), BPA water bottles or plastic containers  (replace with stainless steel or glass containers).

Drink filtered water :-

  1. In many places, tap water or bottled water can include heavy metals like fluoride.
  2. Replacing or using a filter can help you reduce the intake of heavy metals that make its way in your body via water.
  3. Not only should you drink filtered water, but also use filtered water in your cooking (such as soups).
  4. Drinking enough water everyday is a natural cleanser, as long as it is filtered.

Detox in other ways :-

  1. In addition to your cleansing diet, there are other ways to remove heavy metals and toxins from your body.
  2. For example, having a relaxing bath with essential oils and herbs (such as peppermint, fennel, eucalyptus, and cinnamon) plus epsom salts can help release toxins from your body.
  3. As you begin these steps to removing heavy metals, you’ll find your mind and body improving in clarity, health, and energy.
  4. Though this process takes time and effort, establishing a healthy routine with healthy meals and regular detoxes will help you get rid of those nasty metals.
  5. For more ways to live a healthy, active life, contact us.

Eat more fiber :-

  1. When we eat fiber, the liver can more easily flush toxins through the digestive system and we take an immense load off an organ that is constantly trying to get rid of toxic substances from the body.
  2. High fiber foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, potatoes (including their skin), etc.

Our skin is one of the biggest organs of detoxification

    1. It covers about 22 square feet and we replace skin cells every single day.
    2. Dry brushing is a great way to help support the skin in detoxing the body through sweat, bathing, etc.
  1. If our pores are clogged, the skin becomes less effective.
  2. Dry brushing also helps encourage lymph flow that helps to flush toxins from the body.

Drink Enough Water :-

  1. Your body is made up of 65 percent water. This alone proves a deficiency of the same is likely to have adverse consequences.
  2. Water is indispensable to better health. No amount of detoxification methods – diets or exercise – will have any positive effect on your body if you are continually dehydrated.
  3. Dehydration is a major cause of oxidative stress, which hinders the body’s ability to fight cell-damaging free radicals.
  4. When heavy metals enter our bodies, oxidative stress triggers their toxicity. Drinking plenty of water reduces oxidative stress and inhibits the toxicity of heavy metals in the body.
  5. Furthermore, water transports essential nutrients and minerals throughout the body. These nutrients and minerals strengthen the detoxification organs – the liver, kidneys, intestines, respiratory tract and skin.

Eat Fermented Foods :-

  1. The role of gastrointestinal bacteria, or probiotics, in eliminating heavy metals from the body is not widely known.
  2. Fermented foods are rich in probiotics.
  3. Probiotics like lactic acid bacteria (lactobacillus) found in the intestine and in fermented foods possess the ability to bind to heavy metals and flush them out of the body, according to a 2012 study published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
  4. Out of 255 lactic acid bacteria isolated for testing purposes, 26 displayed remarkable cadmium- and lead-removing properties in water, according to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology.
  5. Fermented foods that contain this good bacteria include probiotic yogurt, whey, cottage cheese, kefir drinks, fermented tofu and tempeh as well as pickled cucumbers, radishes, beets and garlic.
  6. Make them a part of your regular diet to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria to eliminate heavy metals from your body.

Increase Intake of Polyphenols :-

  1. Polyphenols are micronutrients found abundantly in our diets. Their role in combating cancer and cardiovascular disease is well-known.
  2. The richest sources of polyphenols include cloves, star anise, dried peppermint, dried oregano, flaxseeds, cocoa powder, dark chocolate, green tea, elderberries, chokeberries, blueberries, strawberries, black currants and plums.
  3. A lesser-known fact about dietary polyphenols is that they enhance the production of metallothionein, a major antioxidant enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for metabolizing and detoxifying heavy metals.

Tags: metal body Remove Heavy Metals from your Body

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