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How to Get Rid of Tooth Sensitivity Fast at Home

How to Get Rid of Tooth Sensitivity Fast at Home

Sensitive teeth are a very common problem that millions of people face all over the world.It can make life miserable as you cannot enjoy the foods you like most such as hot, cold or sweet foods. Even drinking a cup of tea or coffee or eating an ice-cream gives immense pain.

Desensitizing Toothpaste :-

    1. Use tooth pastes that have a desensitizing effect.
    2. Today there are several brands of tooth paste available that are especially designed to help people with sensitive teeth problem.
    3. These over-the-counter tooth pastes are specially formulated with ingredients like potassium nitrate or strontium chloride so that they can fill the tubules in the dentin and help to reduce the sensation that causes pain.
  1. However, they will only work for you only when you continue to use them for a long period of time.

Spot Treatment :-

  1. Along with brushing the teeth with desensitizing toothpaste twice every day after meals, spreading a little amount of this paste on the sensitive tooth area at night and going to bed without rinsing your mouth will help to work the paste over night.
  2. Continuing spot treatment regularly will reduce tooth sensitivity significantly within a month.

Use Soft Toothbrush :-

    1. Use a tooth brush with soft bristles. Change your brush after every three months.
    2. Many people think that hard bristled tooth brush will clean their teeth better.
  1. But it is not correct.Scrubbing your teeth too hard with hard bristle tooth brush can damage the enamel and gums, which often leads to tooth sensitivity.
  2. So, if you are brushing too hard, change the way you brush.


Stay Away from Acidic Foods and Acidic Drinks :-

  1. Some acidic foods like pickles and oranges, and drinks like fruit juices and red wine put the enamel at risk.
  2. Also avoid too cold or too hot drinks as they can increase the sensitivity of teeth all the more by damaging dentin and tooth enamel.
  3. Limit the consumption of these foods and if you can’t avoid them completely, brush after 15-20 minutes of consuming them.

Aloe Vera :-

  1. Application of aloe vera gel on the teeth can help in controlling the growth of bacteria resulting in the problem of teeth sensitivity.
  2. Aloe vera gel can be directly rubbed on the teeth to reduce the problem of sensitive teeth.
  3. Gargling with aloe vera juice can also provide effective results.

Garlic :-

    1. An individual directly can apply garlic on the teeth to deal with the problem of sensitivity.
    2. Crushed garlic cloves can also be mixed with black pepper powder and applied directly on the teeth.
  1. This mixture can also help in curing the problem of teeth sensitivity.

Mint Leaves :-

  1. An individual can boil mint leaves (10 – 12) in 2 cups of water and use this mixture for rinsing the mouth It is important to note that this mixture should be used only after it has cooled down.
  2. Regular use of this remedy can help in reducing the problem of sensitive teeth to a significant level.

Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

Oil pulling with coconut oil can help reduce the number of Streptococcus mutans bacteria in your mouth and diminish tooth sensitivity. Being a natural antibacterial agent, coconut oil helps reduce the plaque present on your teeth.

In fact, oil pulling helps improve oral health and prevent problems like toothaches, bad breath, and gum disease.

  1. Put 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin coconut oil in your mouth.
  2. Swish it around for 20 minutes.
  3. Spit out the oil and rinse your mouth well with warm water.
  4. After rinsing, brush gently your teeth as usual.
  5. Do this daily in the morning before eating or brushing your teeth.

You can also do oil pulling with sesame oil.

Note: Do not swallow or gargle with the oil, as it contains harmful bacteria from your mouth.

Salt Water :-

Salt water can also help relieve tooth sensitivity fast. Salt water improves the pH balance of the mouth, thus creating an alkaline environment in which harmful bacteria cannot survive.

It can help reduce dental pain as well as help treat gum sores and side effects of recent dental procedures.

  1. Mix ½ teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water.
  2. Rinse your mouth with this salt-water solution.
  3. If moving it to all parts of your mouth is painful, try holding it for a few minutes.
  4. Spit out the solution and rinse your mouth with plain water.
  5. Repeat twice daily until you are satisfied with the result.

Guava Leaves :-

Ayurveda recommends using guava leaves for toothaches. When you are suffering from sharp painbecause of tooth sensitivity, try this age-old remedy for relief.

According to a 2012 study published in the International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, guava leaves contain flavonoids, such as quercetin; keampferol; rutin with anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties; and free-radical scavenging activity. Thus, it helps relieve tooth sensitivity and toothache.

Use either of the following remedies 2 or 3 times daily:

  1. Chew 1 or 2 tender, fresh guava leaves for a few minutes and then spit it.
  2. Put 4 to 5 guava leaves in 1 cup of water and boil it for 5 minutes. Let it cool down, add some salt and use this solution as a mouthwash.

Tags: rid of tooth sensitivity

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