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Natural home remedy for Heart disease. Cure Heart Attack, Stroke Naturally


Heart is most important among the most parts of our body as it controls the blood circulation. Not just does it suits regulation the course of the blood, additionally keeps up the level of purity of our blood.

Coronary disease identifies to various issues that influence the function and structure of the heart. It is regularly identified with atherosclerosis, or plaque development in arterial walls, that causes narrowing of the arterial blood vessels, accordingly hindering blood flow and increasing the danger of heart attack or stroke.

Coronary illness can incorporate issues like coronary artery infection, intrinsic heart disease, abnormal pulse (arrhythmia), heart failures, heart valve issues and others.

The most ideal approach to manage this infection would be to retreat to the characteristic remedies. Here are the top common home solutions for coronary illness or heart disease.

Causes of Heart Disease:

Lots of pressure in the arteries can cause them to become stiff and thick. This hardening of the arteries is known as Atherosclerosis and can restrict the blood flow to other organs and tissues in the body. Unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, obesity or smoking are the main risk factors for this disease.

Heart Arrhythmia is caused by abnormal heart rhythms. The conditions that result in this abnormality are drug abuse, coronary artery disease, congenital heart defects (birth defects), diabetes, smoking, drug abuse, stress, high blood pressure, consumption of alcohol or caffeine (excessive), valvular heart disease, few over-the-counter medication, dietary supplements, herbal remedies and prescription medications.


Cayenne (Red Chilies) :-

Cayenne or red chilies are an exceptionally compelling stimulant, stimulating each framework and cell of the body. The phytochemicals exhibit in this zest additionally refines the blood and enhances immunity. It sustains the heart, cleanses your circulatory system, reinforces the pulse, expands flow to the brain, and in addition has a lot of other benefits.

  1. Include one-half to one teaspoon ofcayenne pepper to a glass of heated water. Mix well and drink it. Repeat this few times a day for a couple of weeks. You can follow up with a container of hibiscus tea to recuperate the burning sensation and advance heart health. 
  2. Another alternative is to take cayenne supplements like cayenne cases. Consult your specialist for the correct dose and suitability for your situation.

Chinese Hibiscus :-

Researchers from Taiwan found that an extract of hibiscus flowers had anti-atherosclerosis activity. They believe that hibiscus contains antioxidant compounds that help prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol, that contributes to atherosclerosis and heart disease. An infusion prepared from this herb is also believed to help regulate high blood pressure.

  1. Boil two petals of a hibiscus flower in one cup of water.
  2. Strain and add one teaspoon of raw honey.
  3. Drink this once daily for a few weeks.

Garlic :-

Garlic works very much for conditions like hypertension, high level cholesterol and coronary disease. It aides moderate the development of atherosclerosis or solidifying of the arteries. Besides, garlic enhances blood flow and has antithrombotic as well as antiplatelet aggregatory impacts.

  1. Take one or two freshly smashed garlic cloves every day. If you feel that very strong, drink a glass of milk after consuming garlic.
  1. You can also try taking garlic supplements. The general proposal is 600 to 1,200 mg of garlic concentrate partitioned into three equal measurements every day.

Note: Garlic may perhaps restrict with specific prescriptions because of its blood-thinning properties. Talk to your doctor before having this herb.

Green Tea :-

  1. Green tea is considered an excellent herbal solution for the treatment and prevention of heart disease.
  2. This is due to the fact that green tea exhibits strong antioxidant properties, which decrease cholesterol levels in the bloodstream as well as reduce clotting of blood.
  3. In addition to that, this herbal tea has proven effective in boosting immunity as well as preventing the occurrence of arteriosclerosis.
  4. You can drink one cup of green tea thrice daily for treating heart disease.

Hawthorn :-

Hawthorn allows enhance blood flow towards the heart and enhances cardiac muscle contraction, along these leads in prompting a stronger pumping activity. It likewise helps increment cardiovascular execution and output, and lessens the heart’s workload. Also, it has a great anti-arrhythmic impact that helps regular steady pulse.

  1. Get a few leaves of hawthorn and mash them. At that point take 2 to 3 teaspoons of the powder and have it 2 times daily. You can likewise add some powder to a glass full of water and have it consistently.
  1. You can include a few teaspoons of this powder to some water and boil it. After this let it steep for not less than 15 minutes and afterward strain it well. Have 3 glasses of this homemade herbal tea day by day to be able to deal with coronary heart disease.

Turmeric :-

Turmeric can help in preventing atherosclerosis. Turmeric has an active component called curcumin that aides keep up heart health by decreasing cholesterol oxidation, plaque development and cluster formation. It helps in lowering LDL and gives anti-inflammatory advantages.

  1. Get a glassful of water and boil it for about 10-15 minutes. At this point include 2-3 teaspoons of turmeric to it, mix it well and have it.
  1. Try to use turmeric consistently in your cooking.
  2.   You can likewise heat up one teaspoon of turmeric powder in one container of water or milk. Drink it more than once every day for few weeks to a couple of months.

Healthy Weight :-

  1. Maintaining a healthy weight in adulthood is the success key.
  2. Excess weight means that there are larger chances of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
  3. To identify whether your body is healthy or prone to heart risk, you need to check your BMI.
  4. If your BMI is higher than 25 it means that you have an increased risk of heart disease.

Avoid Tobacco, Nicotine and Other Drugs :-

  1. Using tobacco or smoking can cause serious harm to the body.
  2. These are major risk factors for heart disease. Chemicals found in these drugs can damage the heart, blood vessels and arteries.
  3. The narrowing of the arteries will lead to heart attack. No amount of smoking is safe or acceptable.
  4. Every amount and type of smoking and intake of drugs is bad.
  5. Nicotine in cigarette smoke narrows the blood vessels making it harder for the heart to function normally.
  6. The heart does not receive enough oxygen and increases the risk of heart disease.

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