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Quick Home Remedies for Food Poisoning and Digestive Problems

Quick Home Remedies for Food Poisoning and Digestive Problems


Food poisoning or food-borne sickness brought on by devouring contaminated or spoiled food, containing poisons, chemicals, and infectious agents, in the same way as microbes, parasites, and virus. Nonetheless, the vast majority show signs of improvement without the assistance of any drug, however at times the sickness takes a serious form in which, doctor’s advice is required.

Causes Of Food Poisoning

A person suffers from food poisoning whenever he or she ingests contaminated water or food. The food poisoning can occur at any stage of growing or obtaining food. It can occur during growing of food or harvesting of food or processing of food or during the storing of foods. The foods get contaminated if they are left open and are prepared in unhygienic conditions. The bacteria, viruses and parasites are the organisms that cause the contamination of food that result in mild to severe food poisoning.

    • Bacteria: There are a lot of bacteria that van cause food poisoning either through the toxins that they produce or directly. The most common food poisoning bacteria are: E.coli, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens and Shigella. Some of the foods that can be easily contaminated by bacteria are: eggs, dairy products, custards, fish, uncooked meat, processed meat, cream pies and contaminated water.
    • Parasites: These are organisms that get their protection and nourishment from other living organisms. They depend on hosts for their survival. Some of the most common food borne parasites are:  roundworm, tapeworm and protozoa.
  • Viruses: There are a few viruses that cause food poisoning like norovirses. They affect the uncooked or raw meat and other produces and also contaminate the unprocessed shell fish.
  • Allergens: There are a few of the food allergens that can cause an abnormal response to a food by the immune system of the body. Some of the foods like milk, eggs, cheese, seafood or mushrooms can cause allergy in people.
  • Toxins And Food Contaminants: There are a certain food toxins or chemical toxins that can cause contamination of the food.
  • Mushrooms And Toadstools: There are a lot of species of mushrooms and toadstools that causes muscarine poisoning which can attack your nervous system and can even cause partial or complete paralysis in severer cases.

Peppermint Leaves :-

Peppermint leaves are not just used for aromatherapy. It has a lot of healing properties. It is one of the best home remedies for food poisoning and people with mild stomach cramps. It will provide your stomach with a soothing effect. You can add a few drops of the peppermint juice extracted from crushing a few peppermint leaves in your black tea and you can feel your cramps disappear in a couple of hours time.

Ginger :-

If you are suffering from any digestive problems, then ginger is the best home remedy you always have at hand. All you need to do is to add a few drops of ginger juice with a tablespoon of honey and the pain in your stomach or inflammation will start to reduce.

Lemon Juice :-

One of the best known home remedies to fight the ill effects of bacteria is lemon juice. It has the acidic properties that can kill bacteria that are agents of food poisoning. You can squeeze and extract the juice of one or two lemons in a small bowl and add it with a pinch of sugar. Drink it like you drink any other syrup. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to a cup of black tea.

Garlic :-

Due to antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties garlic is proven as effective in curing food poisoning. It can reduce stomach pain, vomiting and issues like diarrhea, nausea etc

    1. Crush 1-2 fresh garlic cloves and swallow it with cup of warm water.
    2. Mix 3-4 drops of garlic oil with 1 tablespoon of honey and consume it.
  1. Prepare fresh garlic paste (1 teaspoon) and mix it with half cup of curd/yogurt. Eat this 2-3 times a day to treat food poisoning.

Cumin :-

Cumin seeds (jeera) can alleviate upset stomach and abdominal inflammation due to food poisoning. It also reduces vomiting in few minutes.

  1. Take one tablespoon of cumin seeds and boil it in a cup of water for 4-5 minutes. Then add one tablespoon of fresh coriander juice and pinch of salt to it. Drink this water at least twice a day to get rid of food poisoning symptoms.
  1. Alternatively, make homemade herbal tea. Boil 1 teaspoon of crushed cumin seeds in your regular tea. Then remove it from heat and add pinch of asafetida to this cup of tea. Drink it 2-3 times a day. This remedy will cleanse the system and give you relief from food poisoning.

Honey :-

Honey has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that are very effective for treating vomiting, indigestion, nausea and associated food poisoning symptoms. Honey can be taken in its pure form or add it to your regular/herbal tea.

  1. Take teaspoon of honey 2-3 times a day; it can do wonders to cure an upset stomach. It can control the formation of excess acid in our stomach.

Basil :-

Basil has anti-microbial properties which fight the micro-organisms and bacteria that cause food poisoning. 

  1. Extract 1 tablespoon fresh juice from basil leaves and mix it with tablespoon of honey and consume it. Follow this remedy 2-4 times a day. You can also add 1 tablespoon of fresh coriander juice in this concoction.
  1. Alternatively, Put 2 teaspoons drops of basil oil in 2 liter of clean drinking water and drink it slowly throughout the day to exterminate bacteria causing food poisoning symptoms.

Bananas :-

  1. Bananas are a rich source of potassium and will work wonders on your stomach to reduce inflammation as well as reduce the effects of food poisoning.
  2. You can mash a couple of bananas and apple and consume it to fight food poisoning.

Fennel and Sugar Candy :-

  1. Crush 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds and soak it with 1 tablespoon sugar candy in cup of water for 2-3 hours.
  2. Then strain this water and divide it in 2-3 parts. Drink this water 2-3 times a day to cure food poisoning symptoms.

Water :-

  1. If you are suffering from food poisoning symptoms, then it is very important to keep yourself hydrated as your body will be loosing a lot of water due to diarrhea.
  2. So, the best option for you is to drink lots of water so that you maintain the fluid level in your body. Also,
  3. the water will help to flush out the toxins and bacteria from your body and will help in early recovery from bouts of food poisoning.

Tags: food poisoning

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