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Natural Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure – Hyper Tension home Remedy

Natural Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure – Hyper Tension home remedy

When the heart pumps blood into arteries then it creates blood pressure or BP. Whenever you notice the blood pressure reading, then it comes into a set of two digits, means 120/80 (read as normal blood pressure) in which it represented as systolic / diastolic blood pressure.

Systolic blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries that the heart contracts and pumps the blood into the organs, where as the diastolic blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries when this heart relaxes after contraction. If the person who has systolic blood pressure in between 90 – 120 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure between 60 – 80 mm Hg then the person is a healthy adult. Or if this BP goes above 130/80 then it is termed as high blood pressure or hypertension and if this pressure falls lower than 90/60 then it is termed as low blood pressure or hypotension.

Lemon juice :-

    1. Lemon juice is profoundly effective in treating hypertension, yet it can likewise be utilized for low blood pressure also, particularly when it has caused due to dehydration.
    2. In such cases, drink some lemon juice blended with a bit of salt and sugar.
  1. It aides empower your body by fortifying the liver function and helps for digestion.
  2. A glass of sugarcane juice blended with a teaspoon of lemon squeeze and salt is also very useful.

Salt Water :-

Whenever you increase the salt intake, then more liquid gets into the body which in turn causes raise in the blood pressure. So when you feel that your blood pressure goes down, then immediately have a glass of water by adding salt in it to increase the blood pressure quickly.

Increase the salt intake in your daily diet, if you’re suffering from this low blood pressure. But make sure to consult doctor before increasing the salt in the daily diet for the people whose who are suffering from the heart and kidney problems. Even the pregnant women should also avoid taking excess salt in their diet.


  • Salt – 1/2 to 1 teaspoon
  • Water – 1 glass


    • Take a glass of water (prefer lukewarm water) and add salt in it.
    • Stir it well and have this salt water to raise the blood pressure which is lowered.
  • Or you can also add little of sugar in it and this turns as an oral rehydration solution.
  • Continue drinking this salt water daily until get relief from the low blood pressure and avoid following this remedy after the blood pressure reached to normal or else it causes some other health problems.

Licorice :-

Licorice is an herbal remedy used to raise the blood pressure. Glycerrhizin is an active ingredient in licorice root in which it is a sweet tasting compound and acts similar to steroid.

This will increase the amount of aldosterone hormone in the body which in turn retains the sodium and eliminates the potassium in the body. We all know that sodium will easily raise the blood pressure to get relief from the low blood pressure. Here is the recipe on how to make licorice tea for preventing the low blood pressure.


  • Licorice herb (dried or powdered) – 1 teaspoon
  • Hot water – 1 cup
  • Pot
  • Sieve


    • Take a pot and place this licorice herb in it.
    • Then pour hot water over it and cover it.
    • Allow it to steep for about 5 – 7 minutes.
    • Now strain the tea to a cup with the help of a strainer or sieve.
    • Drink this tea to raise your lowered blood pressure levels.
  • Daily intake of this licorice tea will definitely help you to get rid of the low blood pressure.
  • Or you can also take about 400 – 500 mg of licorice root capsules regularly for few days until you cleared these fluctuations in blood pressure levels.

Garlic :-

  1. At whatever point if you have low blood pressure then take 1 – 2 somewhat crushed cloves of garlic frequently.
  2. As this crushed garlic cloves create hydrogen sulfide, which helps in advancing great flow of blood, it decreases the pressure on heart and disposes the gas.
  3. You can likewise take 5 to 6 drops of garlic juice blended with 4 teaspoons of water 2 times each day for better results. Either crude or cooked garlic helps you in diminishing cholesterol level.

Coffee :-

  1. Having a cup of strong coffee, hot chocolate, cola, or any caffeinated beverage can also temporarily increase your blood pressure.
  2. If you frequently suffer from low blood pressure, drink a cup of coffee in the morning or have it along with meals, especially when dealing with orthostatic hypotension.
  3. But, do not make it a habit because the long-term effects of caffeine are not clear.

Holy Basil :-

Holy basil is beneficial for low blood pressure because it is rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and pantothenic acid. Furthermore, it helps balance the mind and reduces stress.

  1. Extract the juice of 10 to 15 basil leaves.
  2. Add one teaspoon of honey to it.
  3. Drink this juice daily on an empty stomach.

You can also chew four to five basil leaves daily in the morning.

Licorice Root :-

Licorice root is another popular home remedy for normalizing low blood pressure caused by low levels of cortisol. It blocks the enzyme that breaks down cortisol and supports healthy adrenalin function. It is also effective in curing chronic fatigue syndrome.

  1. You can prepare licorice tea by steeping one teaspoon of this herb (dried or powdered) in a cup of boiling water for about five minutes. You can take it daily for a few days.
  2. Alternatively, you can take about 400-500 mg of licorice root capsules for a few days.

Celery :-

Celery contains large amounts of 3-N-butylphthalide, which is a “phytochemical” which helps you to control low BP level. 
Consume celery on regular basis to see changes in your blood pressure level. It likewise helps you in anxiety hormones diminishing that tighten the veins, which may prompt low BP. 
In the event that you like celery then you can chew on to bring down your blood pressure or you can take one stalk of it alongside one glass of water daily.

Tags: Hyper Tension low blood pressure

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