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Hangover – Best Natural Home Remedies for Hangover

Hangover – Best Natural Home Remedies for Hangover

Too much of alcohol intake has severe after effects at both physiological and psychological levels. This is called the hangover, usually experienced in the morning the night after heavy drinking. 

Many people experience hangover and certain symptoms of hangover like headache, nausea, vomiting, light headedness , vertigo etc. There might be various remedies for hangover which might not be very effective in relieving hangover. 

Bananas :-

    1. Banana is your best friend! You should eat banana more frequently.
    2. This fruit contains potassium that makes it be great for curing hangover.
  1. When you are hangover, the body has lost an amount of potassium,

which it needs to be replenished; therefore, you should eat a banana when waking up to provide much needed relief.

Sleep :-

  1. Sleep is one the best cures for a bad hangover.
  2. Having a couple of hours of sleep more than normal can be as beneficial as any of the other home remedies.
  3. A good round of sleep helps the body in digesting excess alcohol and neutralizes the harmful effects of alcohol in its natural manner thereby lessening the hangover manifold.

Cold Shower :-

  1. Having a cold shower can work well for some people as it helps drain the lethargic undercurrents of the hangover ad can help in bringing out a fresh dose of vigour and energy.
  2.  Although if the hangover is too severe, avoid taking a shower till the symptoms subside.

Peppermint :-

  1. Peppermint is a very effective herb that can help in removing the hangover blues Peppermint essentially acts as an antacid and can be consume with tea or chewed on as it is to help relax the stomach and the intestines.
  2. Peppermint is a carminative, which is a substance that removes accumulated gas from the stomach and intestines.

  Ice :-

  1. You just need to put an ice compress onto your aching head.
  2. Then you place some crushed ice cubes into a plastic bag
  3. You wrap into a dry towel
  4. Then you apply it onto the affected areas.
  5. Alternatively, you can rinse a washcloth under the cold water
  6. Then you place it onto your forehead and rest.

Ginger Root :-

Ginger is often used to relieve nausea & seasickness. When you have a hangover, you feel like you are being seasick, and ginger remedy will work wonders. If you are really green, drinking ginger ale without preparation is the best bet. In case you may remain vertical for about 10 minutes, you should brew some bags of ginger tea. Here are some simple steps you can follow:

  1. You cut 12 or 14 slices of the fresh ginger root
  2. Then you combine with 4 to 5 cups of water.
  3. Then you boil for about 10 minutes.
  4. You strain and then you add the juice of ½ lemon, 1 orange, and 1/2 cup of honey.
  5. Then you drink to your relief.

Honey & Lemons :-

Honey, lemon & hot water will make a classic hot toddy (nonalcoholic). This beverage is very easy to swallow and replenish sugars & fluids lost by a hangover. You should use honey rather than white sugar, because honey contains fructose that fights for the alcohol metabolism process. Some healthy competitions are needed, since they prevent the rapid changes in the alcohol levels, which result in headaches. Sucrose found in plain sugar is not absorbed as quickly. For making a classic hot toddy you can follow the following direction:

  • You boil 1 cup of water and then you mix in honey & lemon juice to taste.
  • You enjoy this hot toddy for several times a day.

Tomato Juice :-

Tomato juices contain sugar in the form of fructose which aids faster metabolism of alcoholic beverages. These are also rich in minerals, vitamins and enzymes. These aid faster recovery from hangover.

  1. Prepare glass of fresh tomato juice and mix 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and half teaspoon of black pepper or pinch of cayenne pepper. Mix it well and drink it in the morning, do this twice a day to get rid of hangover symptoms.
  1. Consume warm tomato soups, added with some ginger, black pepper or cayenne pepper and garlic.

Ginger :-

  1. Ginger is a time tested remedy for relieving hangovers.
  2. It provides instant relief in the nausea and headaches and alleviates the feeling of queasiness.
  3. It also helps in the digestion of alcohol and soothes the stomach from its harmful effects.Boil one glass of water and add one heaped teaspoon of grated ginger to it.
  4. Simmer for three minutes then strain the tea. Mix in two teaspoons of honey and drink this tea frequently throughout the day.

Lemon :-

  1. Lemons are always available in the house and they work wonders in getting rid of hangovers.
  2. They are full of antioxidants which instantly remove all the harmful toxins from the body and detoxify it thoroughly.
  3. The citric acid found in lemons neutralizes the effect of alcohol and helps the body to regain its normal functions quickly.
  4. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass of warm water and drink this mixture three or four times during the day.
  5. The symptoms of your hangover will begin to vanish rapidly.

Tags: Hangover

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