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Mouth Ulcers (Canker Sore/Tongue Sore) – 20 Best home remedies for fast Relief



Mouth ulcers are painful sores in the mouth, which appears on the tongue, behind the lips, on the inside of the cheeks, gums etc. These sores can occur either individually or in clusters. They are generally white and yellow in color, bordered by red circles. Pain from mouth ulcer usually lessens in few days and sores generally heal within 1 -2 weeks without any treatment. 

Mouth ulcer is also known as aphthous ulcers and canker sores. Mouth ulcers are very painful during brushing teeth, eating and drinking, this leads to difficulty in movement of tongue and lips. Mouth ulcers and cold sores are different from each other. There are main three types of mouth ulcer –

  1. Minor ulcer – This ulcer is very common in most of the cases, and can be heal within 7-14 days.
  1. Major ulcer – This ulcer is very painful and large in size, this ulcer is also known as aphthous stomatis or as stomatis ulcer.
  1. Herpetiform ulcer – This ulcer is very painful in nature and it is caused by infection with herpes simplex. 

Coconut Oil :-

When in doubt, use coconut oil! Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and also incredibly tasty, coconut oil is almost fail-safe when it comes to getting rid of canker sores.

You will need…

-Coconut oil


Using clean hands or a cotton swab, dab a liberal amount of coconut oil onto the sore. Try to get a somewhat thick layer or clump on there-coconut oil melts rapidly and a thin layer just seems to slide right off. If you feel like you really can’t get it to stick, melt 1 tablespoon down with ½ teaspoon or so of beeswax to thicken it.

DIY Numbing Spray :-

Peppermint and eucalyptus essential oil both have anti-inflammatory properties, while also possibly working as anti-microbial agents (thus reducing chance of infection.) astringents to help tighten the tissues around the wound, relieving further discomfort caused by swelling or potential fluid buildup. The cooling properties of both of these oils can also numb the nerve endings that are firing off.

You will need…

-2 tablespoons of olive or grapeseed oil
-10 drops of peppermint essential oil
-8 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
-A glass mister bottle


Pour the olive or grapeseed oil into a glass mister bottle, and add the essential oils. Cap, shake well, and spray some directly onto the canker sore as needed for pain relief. Shake before each use.

Chamomile Tea Bag :-

Chamomile consists of several daisy-like plants that are most commonly used to induce sleep, promote relaxation, and help with digestion-it works a treat with cramping since it can help relax painful spasms in the digestive track. A chemical compound called bisabolol, or levomenol, is found naturally in German chamomile, and has been shown to reduce inflammation and also have antiseptic properties. Both of these properties will help reduce the pain of canker sores and potentially help speed the healing process.

You will need…

-1 bag of chamomile tea, or a tablespoon of dried flowers wrapped in cheesecloth
-Fresh water


Soak the chamomile in water for 1 minute or so if using a teabag, and 3-4 if using dried flowers. After soaking place it directly against the sore for 5-10 minutes twice daily to help relieve discomfort and promote speedy healing.

Swish Sage :-

Sage is an herb from the evergreen shrub, Salvia officinalis, in the mint family. It used widely in the culinary world, and has also been prevalent in homeopathic medicine and home remedies for years. Native American’s used sage long before modern medicine to help cleanse the mouth, and to heal the painful ulcers that we now know as canker sores.

You will need…

-A handful of fresh sage OR 2 teaspoons dried sage
-4-8 ounces of fresh water


If you are using dried sage, boil your water and allow the herb to infuse for 10 minutes. Swish the water, and the herb, in your mouth for 1 minute before spitting it out and rinsing with plain cold water. You can also make a tea-type rinse with fresh leaves, but I prefer the following method.

Place your sage leaves in an airtight glass jar in a cool dark place and allow them to infuse for 24 hours. Swish the liquid (sans the sage) in your mouth for 1 minute. Lightly pound the soft, moist leaves to a pulp and then place the pulp directly over the sore for 5 minutes. Rinse with plain cold water.


Clove Oil Cotton Ball :-

Clove oil contains eugenol, a potent painkiller, and has been used by dentists throughout decades to bring relief to patients. All those old-time depictions you see of dentists with giant pliers and their patients appearing to be in agony? They clearly forgot the clove oil. Eugenol is still used today, although in a pure extracted form, but clove oil remains useful for oral pain ranging from toothaches to canker sores.

You will need…

-1/2 teaspoon of olive oil
-4-5 drops of clove essential oil
-Cotton balls
-Warm water/salt water


Swish your mouth with warm water or salt water to get the area clean, allowing the clove oil to really sink in and do its job. Mix the clove oil with the olive oil and then soak a cotton ball in it. Apply the cotton ball directly to the sore for 5-8 minutes for numbing relief.

Aloe Vera :-

Aloe vera is an effective natural remedy for canker sores. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and curative properties that help ease the pain and inflammation as well as speed up the healing process.

  • Extract the gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf and apply it directly on the canker sore. Do this several times a day.
  • Alternatively, you can rinse your mouth with fresh aloe vera juice about three or four times a day.
  • You can also take at least two tablespoons of aloe vera gel three times a day for quick results.

Note: If you do not have an aloe vera plant, you can buy the gel or juice from the market.

Coriander :-

Coriander is one of the best ingredients for treating a canker sore. It contains anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal properties that can effectively help reduce the pain and discomfort associated with canker sores.

  • Boil a handful of coriander leaves in a glass of water. Strain the solution and allow the water to cool. Gargle with the lukewarm water at least three or four times a day.
  • Boil one cup of water and add one teaspoon of coriander seeds to it. Allow it to sit for some time and then strain it. Rinse your mouth with it three or four times a day.
  • You can also drink the juice from fresh coriander leaves several times a day. Instead of drinking the juice all at once, keep it in your mouth for some time so that the juice can do its magic on the affected area.

Honey :-

Honey is an extremely soothing substance and has antiseptic as well as antibacterial properties.

  • Apply one teaspoon of honey carefully all around the canker sore. It will hurt for a few minutes, but it will then ease the pain and inflammation. Do this several times a day.
  • Mix one teaspoon of honey and one-quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder to make a fine paste. Apply the paste on the affected area and leave it on for a few minutes. Rinse your mouth well with lukewarm water. Repeat the process twice daily.

Baking Soda :-

Baking soda is another very effective ingredient that can be used to treat canker sores. It can help neutralize the acidity and soothe the pain and inflammation.

  • Add a little water to one teaspoon of baking soda to make a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area using your fingers or a cotton ball. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse your mouth with lukewarm water. Do this three or four times a day.
  • Alternatively, you can mix two teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of warm water and use it to rinse your mouth. Follow this simple remedy four or five times a day.

Tags: ulcer ulcers

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