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13 Recipes Treating Sore Throat With Herbs And Home Remedies.

Recipes Treating Sore Throat With Herbs And Home Remedies

A sore throat burns, feels scratchy and may cause pain that makes it hard to talk or swallow. The usual cause is a virus or bacteria, though throat irritation may also be caused by smoking, dry heat, postnasal drip or an allergic reaction.

Salt and water :-

Try grandma’s sore throat remedy by mixing 1â4 teaspoon salt in 1 cup warm water. (Use the hottest water you can comfortably tolerate. Cold gargles are ineffective.) If you have it, add 1 tablespoon of Listerine for germ-killing power. The briny solution helps rinse away and neutralize acids in the throat, relieving the burning sensation and promoting fast healing of irritated mucous membranes.

Mix a fresh batch of gargle for every use. Better to waste a bit pouring it out than to leave it in your glass, where it might become contaminated with bacteria. Also, do not swallow the gargle; spit it out.

Lemon and water :-

Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 cup water for this home remedy for sore throats; the astringent juice will help shrink swollen throat tissue and create a hostile (acidic) environment for viruses and bacteria.

Ginger, honey, and lemon in water :-

This home remedy mixes 1 teaspoon each of powdered ginger and honey, 1â2 cup of hot water, and the juice of 1â2 squeezed lemon. Pour the water over the ginger, then add the lemon juice and honey, and gargle. Honey coats the throat and also has mild antibacterial properties.

Hot sauce and water :-

The capsicum in hot peppers helps alleviate pain and fights inflammation. Add five shakes of ground cayenne pepper (or a few shakes of hot sauce) to a cup of hot water for sore throat relief. It’ll burn, but try this gargle every 15 minutes and see if it helps.

Sage and water :-

Sage was used medicinally for a long, long, time well before it entered the culinary scene. Some people say it has something to cure a little bit of everything, but we’re just focusing on how to use it as an effective natural remedy for your sore throat. Sage is an astringent, meaning it causes body tissues to contract, which means that it can help with swelling. Since the tissues at the back of your throat get swollen when you’re ill, you can see why sage could be of use. The phenolic acids in sage are also known to fight and kill off the bad bacteria that could be the culprit or a contributor to your symptoms. In this case, a good way to use the sage is in the form of a gargle.

Turmeric and water :-

This yellow spice is a powerful antioxidant, and scientists think it has the strength to fight many serious diseases. For a sore throat remedy, mix 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric and 1/2 teaspoon of salt into 1 cup of hot water and gargle

Wheatgrass juice :-

Another good remedy: Wheatgrass juice. A quick rinse and spit with this chlorophyll-rich liquid helps prohibit bacteria growth and ease throat pain. Held in the mouth for five minutes or so, wheatgrass juice is said to help revitalize weakened gums and stop toothache pain.

Clove tea :-

Cloves have been used for centuries, particularly in Traditional Chinese Medicine, but they aren’t used nearly as much nowadays. Still, cloves were often used to help ease pain in the mouth (such as toothaches) and throat. At one time dentists even commonly used it as an anesthetic, and some still do today. The reason they can be successful as a pain killer is because of the substance eugenol they contain. Eugenol can be a natural pain killer, and can act as an anti-bacterial as well. Chewing on whole cloves will slowly release that eugenol, and hopefully numb the pain in your throat.

Get Help From Hydrogen :-

Oh yes, it was the mortal enemy of any child who fell off their bike a lot, or did anything that resulted in some nasty skinned knees. You’re hurt, you’re upset that you fell, and then your mom carries you kicking and screaming into the bathroom and dumps Hydrogen Peroxide all over your cuts. Not cool mom. Of course she was correct in her actions though-it does kill off of bacteria and clean out cuts to stave off infection. With that in mind, we can broaden its use to helping a sore throat in the form of a gargle.

Do Pomegranate Power-Ups :-

The list of all the beneficial stuff contained in pomegranates is off the charts-it has something to help just about anything. Focusing in on sore throats, pomegranates can help fight off infection with anti-oxidants, while they also contain astringents. An astringent is a substance that causes contraction of body tissue, so they will help the swelling in your throat go down, in turn diminishing the pain. You can utilize these properties in a few ways, either by making tea and gargling or drinking it, or gargling/drinking juice. The tea takes a bit more work to make, so I suggest getting the ingredients prepared ahead of time so you don’t have to do much when you’re ill.

Do consult doctor always.

Tags: herbs Home remedies Home Remedy Natural natural treatment naturopathy

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