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Top 10 Home Remedies for Shoulder Pain

Home Remedies for Shoulder Pain

Cold Compress :-

Cold compresses are highly beneficial in alleviating shoulder pain. The cold temperature helps numb the area, which in turn reduces inflammation and pain.

  1. Put some ice cubes in a plastic bag and wrap the bag in a thin towel.
  2. Place it on the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Repeat a few times daily for a few days.

Hot Compress :-

Just like cold compresses, hot compresses also help treat shoulder pain, inflammation and swelling. It is best to use hot compresses after 48 hours of the injury occurring. Hot compresses also help relieve the pain of stressed out muscles.

  1. Fill a hot water bag with hot water and apply it on the aching shoulder for 10 to 15 minutes while you lie down comfortably. Repeat a few times a day until you get complete relief.
  2. Also, you can stand in the shower and run warm to slightly hot water on your shoulder for 5 to 10 minutes. Try to stand still for this time. You can enjoy a hot shower twice daily.

Compression :-

Compression means putting even pressure on the painful area to help reduce the swelling. A compression wrap will give ample support to your shoulder and make you feel more comfortable.

You can compress the affected area with an elastic bandage or a warm wrap, which you can easily buy from the market. Wrap the affected area for a few days or until the pain and swelling are gone. Also, keep your shoulder elevated with the help of pillows to promote healing.

 Epsom Salt Bath:-

Epsom salt, made up of magnesium sulfate, can help reduce shoulder pain. It helps improve blood circulation and relax stressed shoulder muscles. It also helps relieve stress from the entire body.

  1. Fill your bathtub with warm or tolerably hot water.
  2. Add 2 cups of Epsom salt and stir thoroughly.
  3. Soak in this water with your shoulder submerged for 20 to 25 minutes.
  4. Do this up to 3 times a week.

Turmeric :-

Turmeric is a good remedy to relieve pain in your shoulder. The curcumin in turmeric contains antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and swelling.

  1. Make a paste by mixing 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder and 1 or more tablespoons of coconut oil. Rub this paste over the sore muscles and let it dry. Rinse it off with warm water. Repeat twice daily until the pain is gone.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to 1 cup of milk and boil it. Sweeten with honey and drink it twice daily to promote healing.
  3. You can also take 250 to 500 mg turmeric capsules up to 3 times daily. Consult your doctor for the correct dosage.

Apple Cider Vinegar :-

When it comes to treating shoulder pain, another effective household ingredient is apple cider vinegar. It has anti-inflammatory as well as alkalizing properties that can help reduce pain and inflammation.

  1. Add 2 cups of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a bathtub of warm water. Soak in this water for 20 to 30 minutes. Enjoy this relaxing bath once daily for a few days.
  2. You can also drink a glass of warm water mixed with 1 tablespoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and a little honey twice daily for a week to promote quick recovery.

Ginger :-

Ginger contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and inflammation of any kind, including shoulder pain. In addition, it improves blood circulation that promotes quick healing.

Lavender Oil :-

Lavender oil is an excellent essential oil that can relax tired muscles. This aids in reducing pain as well as inflammation.

  1. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to hot or warm bathwater. Soak your entire body in this soothing bath for 30 minutes. Do this once daily to relax your sore shoulder muscles.
  2. Mix a few drops of lavender essential oil in 1 to 2 tablespoons of warm olive oil. Use it to massage the tense and aching shoulder muscles for 10 minutes, twice daily for a few days.
  • Shoulder pain is not a disease or condition in itself, but could be indicative of some kind of injury, strain or an ailment.
  • Whether you workout in a gym lifting weights, or you spend most of your day in front of a computer, you would probably experience shoulder pain at some point of time.
  • Shoulder pain refers to any pain that occurs in and around the shoulder area. The pain may originate from the shoulder joint itself or from the muscles, tendons and ligaments that surround the joint.
  • In most cases, shoulder pain worsens with any activity or movement that involves use of the shoulder, arm or neck. Shoulder pain may even occur as a result of conditions or disorders that affect structures in the abdomen and chest area. This explains why many individuals with ailments such as gall bladder disease or heart disease often experience shoulder pain.

Though most people associate bursitis with the older crowd, the condition is not limited to that age group; it affects young and old alike. And once you’ve had one attack of bursitis, it tends to come back again and again. Bursitis does mimic other conditions, so it’s helpful to know what its symptoms are. If you have any of these symptoms, you may indeed have bursitis:

  • Pain is specific and localized.
  • Pain can be characterized as a dull ache or stiffness.
  • Pain is predominantly in joint areas.
  • Pain gets worse with movement.
  • Affected area feels swollen or warm to the touch.

Symptoms of Shoulder Pain :-

  • Depending on the cause of the problem, shoulder pain may be experienced as sharp, stabbing, cramping or dull.
  • The pain may also hinder movement and can lead to stiffness. In some cases pain arising from the shoulder may extend to the neck.
  • When the pain is severe, weakness is experienced in the affected area. The weakness tends to occur mainly when movement of the affected area causes pain and discomfort. In some cases, the nerves of the area may suffer damage and this could also lead to weakness.
  • During an examination, the doctor will attempt to identify whether the weakness is due to muscle or nerve damage or due to inability to move the area due to pain. When the nerves are bruised or pinched, normal sensation in the area is affected.

Causes of Shoulder Pain :-

  • Shoulder pain usually occurs due to injury to the soft tissues in the area.
  • This includes the ligaments, muscles and tendons.
  • Injury or whiplash may be the cause of pain.
  • Whiplash occurs when there is a sudden movement of the shoulder joint. When whiplash occurs, the ligaments and muscles of the neck and shoulder are injured. Sudden braking or accelerating while driving may also lead to whiplash.
  • Individuals who suffer from degenerative arthritis of the cervical spine may also suffer from shoulder pain as the nerves get pinched. Conditions that affect the spinal cord, lungs, heart and abdominal structures may also result in shoulder pain.
  • A common cause of shoulder injury is a broken collarbone, which occurs when an individual falls on the outstretched arm. This tends to happen to cyclists when they fall off the bicycle.
  • Injuries can also cause the bursa to become swollen and tender. The bursa is the sac which covers and cushions the joints. Injury and fracture to the shoulder blade is another cause of shoulder pain. Sports that involve plenty of throwing often lead to rotator cuff injuries.
  • The tendons that provide support to the shoulder joint are collectively known as rotator cuff. Repetitive movements and activities that involve lots of lifting may also contribute to rotator cuff injuries. Individuals who undergo shoulder separation due to trauma may also suffer from shoulder pain.
  • This occurs when the clavicle or collar bone separates from the scapula or shoulder blade. Tearing or stretching of these ligaments can result in pain. When the tendons swell and become painful, the condition is known as tendonitis.

Remedies for Shoulder Pain :-

  • The treatment for shoulder pain will vary depending on the cause.
  • The doctor will evaluate the condition based on the individuals medical history and physical examination. If necessary, certain types of tests may be prescribed.
  • There is a significant difference between the treatment for mild sprains and more serious conditions such as heart attacks. Treatment for minor strains or sprains may involve a combination of therapies.
  • Medications may be prescribed to alleviate the pain. It may take a few days for the pain to go away completely. Anti-inflammatory medication may also be prescribed in some cases. In order to allow healing to take place, the affected area may have to be immobilized.
  • This is usually done with a splint, sling or cast. These are usually worn for some time and then removed. Once the splint or cast is removed, the area needs to be moved regularly so that normal functioning can resume. Elevating the injured area is also beneficial.
  • Adequate rest is essential, when the body has suffered an injury, as continued movement can worsen the injury. In case of severe injury, the individual may need to remain hospitalized for further tests. The patient may also be referred to an orthopedist for more specialized treatment.

Diet for Shoulder Pain :-

  • Your diet should consist of lots of fresh green vegetables and protein rich foods as these help to strengthen the muscles.
  • Individuals who suffer from arthritis should ensure that their diet supplies them with omega 3 fatty acids as these are beneficial fats that help in reducing pain.
  • These fats may be obtained from oily fish such as tuna and salmon. Nuts and seeds also contain omega 3 fatty acids.

Heat Treatment as a Home Remedy for Shoulder Pain :-

  • Heat is effective in treating all kinds of muscle and joint pain.
  • All you have to do is to boil some water and dip a clean towel in the same. Now apply the towel over the shoulders. Press the towel gently on the skin, such that it does not burn.
  • Keep following the procedure till the muscle knots don’t relax and you start feeling some relief.

Ginger as a Home Remedy for Shoulder Pain :-

  • Ginger is a natural inflammation herb, which can also relieve you of shoulder pain.
  • To relieve you of the sensation of shoulder pain, you could try out two procedures.
  • Either add freshly cut ginger in boiling water and prepare its tea. Now consume the tea 2-3 times in a day till there is a relief.
  • The other way to do this is to eat ginger directly or by adding ginger in your food. Both the methods will be effective as long as ginger is involved.

Lavender Oil as a Home Remedy for Shoulder Pain :-

  • Any essential oil, especially lavender oil can be rubbed around the shoulder for instant pain relief. Essential oils are known for their remedial properties.
  • For this one, all you need is a person who can rub it around, a frying pan and lavender oil. Heat the lavender oil in the frying pan.
  • Let it cool after some time, till it becomes warm and can’t burn your skin. Ask someone to apply the oil over the area where pain exists. You will notice relief.

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