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15 Amazing Health Benefits of Jujube

15 Amazing Health Benefits of Jujube

 There are lots of #health #benefits of #Jujube. Jujubes are very interesting fruit with their sweet taste.  Best fresh jujube contains Cane, Li, Sherwood, Chico, and honey jar. Jujube contain a wide array of different ones, including magnesium, potassium, copper, niacin, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, and iron.


Jujube may sound like a funny name for a fruit, but don’t let the name fool you…this is a very powerful food that packs a healthy punch for the millions of people who know its true value. Although it has common names like red date and Korean date, the scientific classification of jujubes is Ziziphus jujuba. A jujube is typically a small shrub or tree with small yellowish-green petals and drupe fruits that are about the size of a date and range from brown to purplish-black. Jujube fruits are native to southern Asia, including southern and central China. However, it has been introduced to the rest of the world, primarily Europe, and is available in many exotic fruit import stores.

Health Benefits of Jujube


1. Aids in controlling body weight

Are you on a weight loss spree, and bored with simply eating oranges and melons? You can choose these luscious red dates. Their low calorie values put together with negligible fat content makes them ideal for snacks. This amazing fruit with the flavor of apples are quite popular among fitness freaks .

2. Strengthens human immune system

Being rich in vitamin C and A, and potassium, jujube helps in fortifying human immune system. Hence, it is ideal to brace yourself from cold and cough .

3. Circulation Issues

 The jujube fruit is a rich source of both iron and phosphorous, key ingredients in red blood cells. If you suffer from low iron content in your blood or anemia, you may experience symptoms like muscle weakness, fatigue, indigestion, lightheadedness, and cognitive confusion. By increasing your iron and phosphorous content with jujube fruit, you can increase blood flow, thereby oxygenating your organ systems and extremities more effectively, giving you an energy boost!

4. Bone Strength

 One of the best ways to strengthen your bones is to make sure that your mineral intake is optimal. By increasing minerals like calcium, phosphorous, and iron (all of which are prevalent in jujubes), you can ensure that your bones will remain hardy and strong for years to come. As we age, we tend to suffer from osteoporosis and other bone degradation conditions, so adding jujube fruit to your diet can slow or reverse this trend.

5. Purifies Blood

Jujube when dried consists of alkaloids, saponin and triterpenoids. These three beneficial substances help in cleaning the blood of the body and aid to digest the food easily.

6. Healing Wounds

Jujube acts as a great healing agent. This amazing fruit is loaded with important amino acids. It helps in the formation of protein in the body for more than 50,000. Thus, jujube quickly recovers the wounds of body.

7. Good source of antioxidants

Jujubes are contains a very good basis of antioxidants. It shields you against liver and injuries and cancer. This fruit helps to keep the free radical level within the optimal limit.

8. Jujube is good for healthy and younger skin
As we know it contains good amount antioxidant, which makes it anti-ageing, thus keeping your skin younger. The extracts of Chinese dates are greatly used as remedies for skin redness, sunburns and dryness.

9. Healthy digestive system

People suffering from constipation and other digestive problems can seek the help of these fruits. Along with promoting digestion, dry jujubes act as gentle laxatives . This amazing fruit also promotes appetite

10. Sleep Aid

For people suffering from insomnia or restlessness, consuming the seeds of the extract of the jujube fruit can be a good remedy. The soothing nature of the organic compounds contained in this beneficial fruit can calm the body and mind, so if you find yourself unable to sleep at night, then perhaps a small jujube decoction is exactly what you need.

11. Treats Cancer

Jujube tea cures cancer. Tea carries saponins, plant glucosides which react with cancer cell membrane causes cancer cell death. Tea made out of jujube acts as an anti-carcinogenic. Thus, this can be used as supplements to cure cancer.

12. Blood Detoxification

 The saponins and alkaloids found in jujube fruit has been directly linked with purifying the blood and eliminating harmful toxins from the body’s systems. This antioxidant effect can help prevent a large number of disorders and diseases, and also ease the stress on the immune and lymphatic system.

13. Beneficial for bones, muscles and teeth

It consist a good amount of calcium and phosphorous, which are proven to aid in strengthening your bones and teeth. It includes approximately around 3 milligrams magnesium per serving that helps in toning up the muscles. 

14. Cures Common, Cold Cough And Flu

From ancient time’s jujube are used to cure common cough and cold. It has plentiful of vitamin C, A and potassium which is responsible to improve immune system of body. It soothes achy throat muscles and relieves cough when jujube tea is mixed with ginger, mint and licorice.

15. Protects The Liver

Jujube fruit fights against liver injury, by acting as antioxidants. Antioxidants remove free radicals which damages liver. Jujube carry chemical compounds that help fight with oxidative damage.

Tags: Food (TV Genre) Health Benefits indian jujube fruit Jujube (Food) jujube benefits jujube fruit

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