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10 Surprising Health Benefits of Banana – Reason, Why to eat Banana Everyday ?

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Banana – Reason, Why to eat Banana Everyday ?

Bananas have a lot of health benefits, but we are aware of only very few. Shall we take a look at the health benefits of banana? These benefits include bowel regulation, reduce stress, heart diseases, depression, menstrual pains, anemia, increase in brain power. Know more health benefits of banana here…

Have you watched tennis? If yes, you must have definitely seen some tennis players eating bananas when they get a break; do you know why they take bananas when there are lots of other fruits available? It is because bananas contain high amount of carbohydrates that will help the players to get the energy they require to play the match. We shall look at more health benefits of bananas.

Bananas are one of nature’s great snack foods, but did you know just how good for you they are and how many different and unusual uses they can have? Ahead are 10 banana health benefits for more energy, better health and even improving the way you look and feel


1. Soothes Stomach Ulcers :Bananas are beneficial for your stomach health in two ways. First, several substances in bananas help produce a thicker protective mucus lining in the stomach that serves as a barrier against stomach acids.

They also help neutralize acidity from foods, which can contribute to the formation of ulcers.Secondly, bananas contain protease inhibitors that help eliminate bacteria in the stomach, which is one of the main causes of stomach ulcers.

2. Bananas reduce depression: Tryptophan acids are present in bananas and these help in reducing depression and thereby improve your mood. Studies show that bananas are also helpful in reducing stress levels. In this age of stress, this health benefit of banana is truly great.

3. Eat bananas for healthy bones: What do you require for healthy bones? One requires calcium for healthy bones, am I right? Probiotic bacteria help in absorbing calcium and increasing the digestive ability. This helpful bacterium is present in bananas. Green bananas are especially helpful in absorbing calcium.

4. Reduce menstrual pains with bananas: Do you get menstrual pains? Majority of the women folk take pills to reduce menstrual pains. Rather taking these pain killers eat a banana. Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 that helps in regulating blood glucose levels. This helps in balancing your overall mood and hence reduces menstrual pains. I found this health benefit of banana very useful. How about you?

5. Bananas help ulcer patients: Another major health benefit of bananas is their capability of fighting intestinal disorders. Eating a raw banana reduces irritation in the stomach and reduces the effect of over acidity.

6. Bananas and anemia: Bananas are not only rich in potassium but also rich in iron; therefore, eating a banana increases iron and thereby high hemoglobin. When hemoglobin content is increased, naturally anemic conditions decreases. Forgot those pills for anemia and take a banana. Wow…yet another amazing health benefit of banana.

7. Quit smoking by eating bananas: Another amazing health benefit of banana is that it helps people who wish to quit smoking. Smokers have a high level of nicotine; minerals in banana like potassium and magnesium and vitamins B6 and B12 help in reducing nicotine. Smokers, take a note of this and quit smoking by taking bananas.

8. Bananas increase brain power: A survey was conducted very recently among 200 students at a school in Middlesex. They were given bananas along with their normal diet for their breakfast, break and lunch. Research proved that potassium in bananas helped to increase their mental alertness and boost brain power. Remember this health benefit of banana and make your child eat a banana everyday to score high in studies.

9. Supports a Healthy Heart:Bananas are rich in potassium, a mineral electrolyte that is essential for your heart. Potassium travels to cells throughout your body and helps the circulatory system deliver oxygen to the brain. This also helps maintain a regular heartbeat and a proper balance of water in the body.

People who eat diets high in potassium-rich foods like bananas can also substantially reduce their risk of stroke, regulate blood pressure and prevent various heart diseases.

10. Aids in Weight Loss :If you are looking for a food that can help you lose weight, bananas are a perfect choice. They are low in fat while high in fiber and vitamins.

The dietary fiber in bananas absorbs water and takes up a lot of space in your stomach, thereby keeping you feeling full for longer time period.

Tags: 10 Health Benefits of Banana bananas benefits Benefits of Banana best food health Health Benefits of Banana raw vegan top 10 vegan vegeterian Related Articles Author

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