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An asthma attack can occur when an irritant—usually a common substance like smoke, cold or dry air, pollen, mold, or dust mites meets a set of temperamental lungs. Hormonal fluctuations, stress, and anger can also trigger an attack. Sometimes there’s

Weak eyesight is most often associated with either nearsightedness (called myopia) or farsightedness (called hyperopia). Factors like genetics, poor nutrition, aging and excessive strain on the eyes usually contribute to these conditions.

Mouth ulcers are painful sores in the mouth, which appears on the tongue, behind the lips, on the inside of the cheeks, gums etc. These sores can occur either individually or in clusters. They are generally white and yellow in color, bordered by red

Colon cancer ranks third in the list of important diseases and causes many deaths all over the world. It develops initially in the intestine and gradually spreads to other areas of the body, putting the life of the sufferer in danger.

Nosebleeds can be dramatic and frightening. Luckily, most nosebleeds are not serious and can be handled fairly easily. They are divided into two types, depending on whether the bleeding is coming from the anterior (front of the nose) or posterior (b

Acid reflux or GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease), which is a scientific way to describe acidity or heartburn; it affects 50-60 percent of Americans. There are many causes of acid reflux, heartburn such as lifestyle, dietary habits etc.

The usual indicators of high levels of cholesterol in blood include common fatigue, over sweating and a feel of discomfort, pain and heaviness in the chest and breathlessness. Smoking and consuming alcohol in excess, consumption of high fat foods, ob

Hypothyroidism is very easy to cure using home remedies and natural treatments. But you have to be willing to put in the effort (and as you will see, it’s really not that hard). There is no single cure for hypothyroidism. It’s a combination of supple

Situated close to the foot of the neck, the thyroid gland is one of the most significant endocrine glands in the body. It regulates the rate at which the body utilizes energy and synthesizes proteins by controlling the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Those who are of average or short height often wish they were taller. Being tall can improve how a person feels about himself or herself. People with short height, particularly men, may be self-conscious about it and feel less confident.

Birth control pills, generally known as oral contraceptives (OC’s) contain the absolute goal every month connected with avoiding your reproductive system from liberating an egg cell. In most cases, birth control pills avoid being pregnant simply by c

Cholesterol is a lipid (fat) that liver produces. Every cell of human body contains cholesterol in their outer layer. When a person follows healthy diet and exercises, it helps them maintain correct cholesterol levels. It strikes a balance between HD